Corporation - Description - 2011-12-04 08:18:55 - Live Ticker



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 Recruitment Status: CLOSED Recruitment Status: CLOSED
-Now offering 5% tax rate customs offices in Anin & Tartoken. Please contact Citrute, Dirty Rider or Crimson Archon for more details. +Now offering low tax rate customs offices in Anin & Tartoken. Please contact Citrute, Dirty Rider or Crimson Archon for more details.
 We are a close group of pilots that operate in and around low/null sec. We don't gank, we just apply force in a disproportionate manner during an uneven tactical combat situation to maximize revenue and increase shareholder value. We are a close group of pilots that operate in and around low/null sec. We don't gank, we just apply force in a disproportionate manner during an uneven tactical combat situation to maximize revenue and increase shareholder value.
 No skill point requirement. No skill point requirement.
 No trial accounts. No trial accounts.
 English speaking and voice comms required. English speaking and voice comms required.

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Resources 2011-12-04 08:18:55 Corporation Description
Corporation The High and Mighty Member 29
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