Corporation - Description - 2023-08-13 14:00:23 - Live Ticker



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 Welcome to War Eagle Fleet; a well-established corp with the intent to grow beyond any singular system or type of space with operating bases in multiple regions. We offer newbro ships for those learning, leadership opportunities for those interested, mining boosts, PVP roams, industry opportunities, and an overall laid back group to fly with.  Welcome to War Eagle Fleet; a well-established corp with the intent to grow beyond any singular system or type of space with operating bases in multiple regions. We offer newbro ships for those learning, leadership opportunities for those interested, mining boosts, PVP roams, industry opportunities, and an overall laid back group to fly with.
-Presently, we are situated in null just 4 jumps from the regional trade hub. This offers good opportunities for just about everything while we plan our expansion. While our primary objective is to grow our ranks, we are coordinating with numerous partners throughout Eve to secure every available option of gameplay for our members. INVEST IN US AND WE WILL INVEST IN YOU. +We offer good opportunities for just about everything while we plan our expansion. While our primary objective is to grow our ranks, we are coordinating with numerous partners throughout Eve to secure every available option of gameplay for our members. INVEST IN US AND WE WILL INVEST IN YOU.
 Recruitment: OPEN Recruitment: OPEN
-JOIN: WEF`PUB and talk to a recruiter +JOIN: WEF-PUB and talk to a recruiter
 +Diplo contact: Rahfikii

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Resources 2023-08-13 14:00:23 Corporation Description
Alliance Goonswarm Federation Member 56041
Corporation War Eagle Fleet Member 129
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