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 +u'Join our Recruitment channel!
 + AUXMC - Recruit
 AUXMC provides its members access to content in areas such as AUXMC provides its members access to content in areas such as
 +General knowledge about Wormholes and their mechanics
 +Unconventional Mining (Lowsec, Wormholes, Ninja Huffing)
-Manufacturing,+Access to Nullsec Facilities
 Wormhole Activities Wormhole Activities
-General knowledge about Wormholes and their mechanics +Decent Ratting Space (Krabbing)
 and the occational small scale PvP Fleet. and the occational small scale PvP Fleet.
 Providing resources and a space for capsuleers to conduct their preferred activity from Mining to PvP. Providing resources and a space for capsuleers to conduct their preferred activity from Mining to PvP.
 > Mining Fleets. > Mining Fleets.
-> Fleet Commander Training and Backseating. 
-> Intelligence Gathering. (And other Meta-game Activities) 
 +> Small Scale Manufacturing
 +> Space for PvE (Krabbing)
-> Integrating Wormholes with daily activities.+> Carve their own path!
-> Scout / Recon Training for Small gang engagements. 
 *Tax Rates are very low to accomodate Newer Pilots and their activities. *Tax Rates are very low to accomodate Newer Pilots and their activities.
-Our HQ Station located in High Security Space is just a place for new members/players to converge and maybe gain a bit of a hold on the mechanics of the game and some freebies such as "Venture" Mining frigates as well as appropriate modules.+> Home of the PR and Diplomatic Wing of The L\u0336o\u0336l\u0336i\u0336c\u0336o\u0336n\u0336 Lolipop Monopoly Alliance LolipopMonopoly
-> Home of the PR and Diplomatic Wing of The Lolicon Monopoly Alliance+> Contact Kyun Kim Park for recruitment & Diplomatic Concerns.
-Join our Recruitment channel!+> Join our Public Discord! LOLI Discord Invite '
- AUXMC - Recruit  

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Resources 2024-03-10 08:58:11 Corporation Description
Alliance Lolipop Monopoly Member 67
Corporation Auraxis Small Scale Mining Corporation Member 9
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