Corporation - Description - 2024-03-23 08:36:14 - Live Ticker



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-+Are you looking for a laid back social English speaking corp? We do mining, industry and pve ops. We are recruiting newbies and vetrans, alpha and omega pilots. We live in High Sec, and we do low sec and small gang ops as well as some small WH ops. We own our structures with free ship repair and tax free refinery, low taxes on manufacturing and industry plants. We also offer mining ops with orca fleet bonuses. So if you are looking for a social laid back and helpful corp look no further. Several of our members are long time vets and always willing to help those in need and are willing to teach and assist you where possible. So bring your self and your friends and join us in our shit talking space adventures. We also have a discount T1 ship program! interested contact us today. 18yrs+ and Discord is required.

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Resources 2024-03-23 08:36:14 Corporation Description
Corporation Draco Templaris Member 8
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