Corporation - Description - 2024-04-25 09:06:30 - Live Ticker



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 +EvE Tacticians - A small H-sec corp that explores all opportunities to achieve our goals and earn isk in the EvE universe.
 +*** Start your new character or alt with an additional ( 1,000,000 Free Skill Points! ), the Equilivant of 20 Daily Skill Injectors! or 800M Isk Value! by using our referral link! ***
-A carefully planned strategy to achieve a specific end.+Reality check - everything in EvE is NOT fun!
 +We all have to perform tasks which can be tedious and/or boring ( For me.. it's scanning down, bookmarking, and notating anomalies )
 +We perform these tasks for in game items and/or to earn isk, because whether you want a new ship, an implant, or Plex.. you have to work for it.
 +Our corp currently does - Mining | BPO / Copying/ Research/ Manufacturing | Planetary Interaction | Market Trading | Signature Anomolies > Relic/ Data/ Combat/ Sites > WormHole Exploration | Abyssal Deadspace Runs | Agency Mission Running | LP & R&D | Epic Arc Missions | Faction Standings and Balancing
 +Our future goals include - PvP | Small Gang Ops | Bounty Hunting | Reactions | Defense OPS
 +We are seeking mature, open minded players who share similar interests, are enthusiastic, and have a sense of humour. We like to socialize and have fun but we also work to achieve our in-game goals.
 +Sharing knowledge, ideas, and strategies, and working together is encouraged but it's not a requirement. Whether you like to do your own thing or fleet up, all are welcome, as long you contribute in some fashion.
 +We are NOT interested in players who don't understand that EvE is a long term strategy game and what that entails.
 +We will NOT tolerate Immature members who can't be civil, who use profanity in chat, or create strife for the corporation or any of it's members.
 +EvE Tacticians help corp members whenever and however possible, but don't expect us to help you if you don't make an effort to help yourself!
 +If you're interested in learning more about our corp, email - Richard Pheonix
 +Thanks, Fly Safe and Have Fun!
 +EvE Tacticians

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Resources 2024-04-25 09:06:30 Corporation Description
Corporation EVE TACTICIANS Member 2
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