Corporation - Description - 2024-07-09 19:22:27 - Live Ticker



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 Recruitment currently open. Recruitment currently open.
 Applicants will be asked for their API key. Applicants will be asked for their API key.
 Applications without prior contact may be rejected. Applications without prior contact may be rejected.
 Minimum SP required is 5 million. Minimum SP required is 5 million.
 We offer: We offer:
 - A mature and laid back atmosphere - A mature and laid back atmosphere
 - Small fleet PvP - Small fleet PvP
 - Empire mining/mission running  - Empire mining/mission running
 - Low sec roaming/mining/exploration - Low sec roaming/mining/exploration
 - Empire griefing and can flipping - Empire griefing and can flipping
 - Exciting and highly dangerous activity in wormhole space. - Exciting and highly dangerous activity in wormhole space.
 - Fleet ops with shared mission rewards - Fleet ops with shared mission rewards
 - Skilled and experienced members - Skilled and experienced members
 - Industrial ability to replace lost ships - Industrial ability to replace lost ships
 - Short and long term goals - Short and long term goals
 - Jump clones available - Jump clones available
 Euro and US/Canada players. Euro and US/Canada players.
 Join DNX our public channel to introduce yourself if you want to join. Join DNX our public channel to introduce yourself if you want to join.
 +WE HONOUR RANSOMS. You pay, you go free!

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Resources 2024-07-09 19:22:27 Corporation Description
Corporation Dark Nexxus Member 23
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API J:14 Mar 01:37 K:14 Mar 01:34 C:14 Mar 01:59 A:14 Mar 02:00 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:14 Mar 01:38 S:14 Mar 01:30 W:14 Mar 01:15