Corporation - Description - 2012-10-02 06:46:43 - Live Ticker



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 Arbitrary Spaceship Destruction and -affliction- are composed of both PVErs and PVPers, with low sec, WH and high sec bases. We try to integrate all styles of play here so that everyone feels welcomed. Miners, Explorers, Mission runners, WH runners, Traders, Industrialists and PvPers all have their place here. Arbitrary Spaceship Destruction and -affliction- are composed of both PVErs and PVPers, with low sec, WH and high sec bases. We try to integrate all styles of play here so that everyone feels welcomed. Miners, Explorers, Mission runners, WH runners, Traders, Industrialists and PvPers all have their place here.
-We also have a strong newbie program in place with free ships up to cruiser class and fittings for PvP training so that you don’t need to worry about ISK when you are learning to pvp. As a member of ASD the following will be made available to you; +We also have a strong newbie program in place with free ships up to cruiser class and fittings for PvP training so that you don’t need to worry about ISK when you are learning to pvp. Therefore as a member you will get
-- A Mission pack including a fully fit cruiser class vessel. 
-- A Mining pack including a fully fit Retriever mining barge.  
 - Frigate class to Cruiser class hulls fully fit for PvP. - Frigate class to Cruiser class hulls fully fit for PvP.
 ASD will help you cope with the learning curve, with lots of guides about pretty much everything in EVE available on our forum and through training lessons. We have over 180 ship fittings available from our corporation loadouts for PvE and PvP. Training is offered to all members although not mandatory. ASD will help you cope with the learning curve, with lots of guides about pretty much everything in EVE available on our forum and through training lessons. We have over 180 ship fittings available from our corporation loadouts for PvE and PvP. Training is offered to all members although not mandatory.
 +Applicants must have at least 2 months of game and 3M Skill points.
 Convo or mail Turugon, Zairos Starstrider, Xeno Del'Morien, Wif Sertan for more information. Convo or mail Turugon, Zairos Starstrider, Xeno Del'Morien, Wif Sertan for more information.
 Look for us in our Public channel -ATEAM- Look for us in our Public channel -ATEAM-

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Resources 2012-10-02 06:46:43 Corporation Description
Alliance -affliction- Member 13
Corporation Arbitrary Spaceship Destruction Member 13
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