Corporation - Description - 2012-10-02 10:42:26 - Live Ticker



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-Tired of paying high taxes to a NPC corp? Need a shelter? Then we are the place for you. We are a 1% corporation. By joining our corporation, you will be saving 10% of your profits.+We are a small corp designed to help new pilots get accustomed to New Eden. We take a more personal approach than the larger new member corps. We treat each other as family and if you need anything, all you need do is ask.
 +We are also a 1% tax corp, for you more seasoned, and hopefully not bitter, veterans. If you're tired of paying high taxes to a NPC corp and need a shelter, then we are the place for you. By joining our corporation, you will be saving 10% of your profits. All that would be required of you is to help new players in our corp whenever possible.
 +In fact, that is our only requirement for joining. And the only requirement we have of our members is that you have fun and enjoy your time in New Eden.
-So if you need a home from the tax storm, put in your application today. Everyone is accepted! +If this sounds like something you are interested in, please put in your application today. Everyone is accepted!
 +If you have questions, please mail Benjamin Munro.

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Resources 2012-10-02 10:42:26 Corporation Description
Corporation NX-Enterprises Member 6
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