Corporation - Description - 2012-10-09 10:35:42 - Live Ticker



Old New
 +Recruitment is open for Industrial Research and Mining.
 +We are a Mining, Mission Running, Exploration, Research and Manufacturing Corp for like-minded mature players.
 +We are now looking to expand our membership. We are seeking new and veteran players from all time zones.
 +We offer:
 +For the experienced player:
 +Hi-Sec Research and Manufacturing POS access.
 +Hi-Sec mining fleet access with Orca support.
 +Production support including access to hundreds of BPC’s.
 +Corp purchase (your option) of your PI/Ore/Ice/WH materials and loot.
 +Wormhole exploration leading to establishment of WH POS in near future.
 +For the newer player:
 +Discounted Ships, Modules and Ammo. (Some free skillbooks for new players).
 +Loaner Mining Barges (fitted Retrievers). Minimum skill requirement.
 +Loaner Haulers (fitted Bestowers). Minimum skill requirement.
 +Mission and mining support.
 +Corp mining ops where you get paid just for helping out (hauling, ratting, etc).
 +Corp purchase (your option) of your mission loot or ore/ice.
 +Practical advice for success in EVE.
-Invite Only+
 +What we seek:
 +Team oriented mature players in all time zones (maturity is not an age-based requirement, but more a state of mind) willing, and interested, in helping grow a small established corp into a large corp.
 +Team oriented friendly attitude.
 +English as primary language.
 +Full API (no exceptions). This does not allow anyone to hack your account.
 +Trial accounts are ok for membership but access to Corp resources will be limited until account is fully active.
 +Recruiter is Soinnet

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Resources 2012-10-09 10:35:42 Corporation Description
Corporation Industrial Research and Mining Member 10
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