Corporation - Description - 2012-10-10 10:27:56 - Live Ticker



Old New
-Mining, Research, Manufacturing and Hauling. We also do Wormhole Raids and Mission Running in teams for Corp Standings. We do not engage in acts of piracy, mercenary contracts or griefing. 
-We are looking for new and experienced pilots who want to be a part of our corp and help our successful Corporation grow. New members of the Corporation must know their way around the basics of Eve Online. We are a new player friendly Corp and training will be given to those who seek it. The pilots we seek can be in any timezone. 
-What we can offer you: 
-- Mature Eve community run by experienced pilots in all aspects of eve 
-- Corporation Ore/Ice Mining Fleet Operations in 0.5 - 1.0 space 
-- Wormhole Raids (no POS deployment or permanent settlement) 
-- Planetary Interaction (Tyrannis is near) 
-- Corp Trading & Reward schemes  
-- Level4 Missions in teams (for those who need Standings, Jump Clones, Loyalty Points and Salvage) 
-- Access to Alliance chat channels 
--Dedicated TS3 server  
-What we want from you: 
-- You need to have a mature character to join LNIV (please have a sense of humor) :) 
-- You have to be an active player but we have a 'real life comes first' way of thinking 
-- New pilots must know the basics of Eve 
-- For security reasons we will require your 'Limited API Key' within a week of joining up 
-- Positive Standings with Caldari as we operate in Caldari space mainly 
-- Give only a few hours per week to work for the Corporation 
-What we do NOT want from you: 
-- Trial account 
-- Immature behaviour and local smack talker 
-- Joining the Corp and being away for long periods of time 
-- Pilots with a history of being in a Pirate, Mercenary or Griefer Corp 
-Our Security Officers are amongst the most paranoid pilots in New Eden and any Pirate or Griefer history WILL be found. Save us the time by NOT applying. 
-Pilots who are interested in Mining as a profession will be happy to know that we will give you a Retriever/Covetor (Mining Barge) once you have trained the skills and once we feel confident in you and trust is built. 
-Are you that Miner who wants benefits from Fleet Bonuses and a safer Mining environment with protection from griefers? 
-Are you that Manufacturer in need of a heavy load of Materials to build big ships? 
-Are you that Hauler who loves to fly his Freighter across the galaxy? 
-Are you that Explorer who can't wait to cross into Wormhole Space? 
-Or are you that all-rounder who wants to do a bit of everything?  
-Contact Kelis Ral Zander Kerensky 

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Resources 2012-10-10 10:27:56 Corporation Description
Corporation Lapsus Nivium In Vacuo Member 1
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