Corporation - Description - 2012-11-01 08:12:33 - Live Ticker



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 The Seperatist Consortium is a group of people playing towards one have fun. RL comes first but ingame we are a chilled out bunch who know what we are doing and can get serious when we need to. We offer active PVP of all kinds, aswell as level 4 running/ratting (0%tax) 0.0 access with future alliance prospects. The Seperatist Consortium is a group of people playing towards one have fun. RL comes first but ingame we are a chilled out bunch who know what we are doing and can get serious when we need to. We offer active PVP of all kinds, aswell as level 4 running/ratting (0%tax) 0.0 access with future alliance prospects.
 +Our policy is NRDS. If you are a threat to us and/or our operations however you will be dealt with accordingly.
-Our policy is NRDS. Except for Botters, we love hunting and killing bots.+Currently Looking to join a FW Alliance

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Resources 2012-11-01 08:12:33 Corporation Description
Corporation The Separatist Consortium Member 5
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