Corporation - Description - 2012-11-04 08:45:50 - Live Ticker



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-GPS Scientific, a wholly owned subsidiary of GPS Corp (GPSC).+GPS Scientific provides contract based research services to New Eden.
 +Base Contract Cost: 1,000,000 ISK (Install Cost)
 +ME Research: 12,000 isk/hr
 +PE Research: 2,000 isk/hr
 +Invention: 12,000 isk/hr
 +Blueprint Copy: 40,000 isk/hr
 +Hourly charges are based on no-skill, 1.0 structure multiplier. If the blueprint claims to be 1 hour per ME research, cost is 1 hour per ME research.
 +Contract your BPO's to Thomas Alva Edison at the cost of 90% seed price. Send an evemail to let us know what kind of research you would like and to what level. For copying and invention be sure to include any required materials. We will provide you research services and contract the blueprint/materials back to you at the price of your request.

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Resources 2012-11-04 08:45:50 Corporation Description
Alliance GPS Conglomerate Member 0
Corporation GPS Scientific Member 0
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