Corporation - Description - 2012-11-12 07:46:39 - Live Ticker



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 +Shadowfire Enterprises is active in several parts of the game, most notably wormhole space.
 +Our goal as a corporation is to enable our members to both profit from being part of the corporation, and to feel like they are part of something greater than themselves. Our community is very important to us - no member is just a name or a number, and we stress communication and teamwork in everything that we do.
 +What we are:
 +- A wormhole-space corporation, primarily focused on mining, industry, and exploration.
 +- Organized, with many fleet operations and activities planned in advance.
 +- Casual-friendly. We understand that real life comes first.
 +- Active. We almost always have members online.
 +What we are not:
 +- We are not pirates or griefers. While we will defend ourselves aggressively when needed, we don't go out looking for killmails.
-Shadowfire Industries is an industrial corporation focused on supplying the galactic market with manufactured goods. For more information or to apply for a position with us, please visit our home page.+- We're not a refuge for the antisocial. We expect our members to participate as much as they can in corporate and alliance operations.
 +We're always looking for good members, so if you're interested please feel free to visit our website, or check out our recruiting advertisement. Because both security and our corporate community are important to us, we do heavily screen all applicants, but all applications will be considered and any questions will be answered as honestly and forthrightly as possible.
 +For diplomacy with us or with our alliance, please contact the following people (Evemail works best):
 +Verran Skarne
 +Maehon di Allier
 +Argyle Wynter
 +Sahale Maia

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Resources 2012-11-12 07:46:39 Corporation Description
Alliance Rura-Penthe Member 235
Corporation Shadowfire Enterprises Member 47
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