Corporation - Description - 2012-11-16 08:12:46 - Live Ticker



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 Looking for pilots with pvp in mind, We also welcome mission runners and people who are intrested in incursions. Looking for pilots with pvp in mind, We also welcome mission runners and people who are intrested in incursions.
-minimum skill point requirement is 8mil sp and have some pvp experience 
 we want to build up a small to mid size corp with great pilots and make a name for corp and our selves. we are Friendly and helpfull corp and have a Atmosphere, 'banter' will happen all the time so dont take it to heart :P we have an Active corp body which consists of a close knitt group of players that like to blow things up. BOOM BOOM we want to build up a small to mid size corp with great pilots and make a name for corp and our selves. we are Friendly and helpfull corp and have a Atmosphere, 'banter' will happen all the time so dont take it to heart :P we have an Active corp body which consists of a close knitt group of players that like to blow things up. BOOM BOOM
 We are based in high sec caldari space and have regular roams to low/nul sec. we are also involved in faction warfare so we get in big fleets and kill many many people :P  We are based in high sec caldari space and have regular roams to low/nul sec. we are also involved in faction warfare so we get in big fleets and kill many many people :P
 If you're interested please contact Nyht4 If you're interested please contact Nyht4

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Resources 2012-11-16 08:12:46 Corporation Description
Corporation Strike At Silence Member 9
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