Corporation - Description - 2012-11-25 08:36:20 - Live Ticker



Old New
 âœœ Sinners ✜ âœœ Sinners ✜
 Cogito Ergo Sum....... Cogito Ergo Sum.......
 We still don't know what we're doing We still don't know what we're doing
 NBSI In all Space, NRDS in Providence NBSI In all Space, NRDS in Providence
 We are a corporation of friendly and (im)mature members who want to Pvp together and kill things with fire in eve and other games. We are a corporation of friendly and (im)mature members who want to Pvp together and kill things with fire in eve and other games.
-We engage in all aspects of the game Including piracy, We live in npc 0.0 in Stain. +We engage in all aspects of the game Including piracy, WH exploration etc..., We live in npc 0.0 in Stain...
 In short : In short :
 -Regular Pvp in 00 and lowsec  -Regular Pvp in 00 and lowsec
 -No SP minimum,  -No SP minimum,
 -Must be over 25 years of age -Must be over 25 years of age
 -We are all adults with lives, We know RL comes first -We are all adults with lives, We know RL comes first
 What we offer : What we offer :
 - Lots of help and advice from veteran 0.0. players for pvp. - Lots of help and advice from veteran 0.0. players for pvp.
 What we want: What we want:
 Active players, PvP and Industrialists who want to pvp and be involved in the corporation . We are primarily EU TZ and we would like to keep it that way so no americans pls.  Active players, PvP and Industrialists who want to pvp and be involved in the corporation . We are primarily EU TZ and we would like to keep it that way so no americans pls.
 Who to contact : Who to contact :
 Me Me

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Resources 2012-11-25 08:36:20 Corporation Description
Alliance The Cult of Clean Head Member 0
Corporation Sin Sensation Member 0
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