Corporation - Description - 2012-12-17 08:17:29 - Live Ticker



Old New
-High sec based mission running and a side of industry based corp. We also run PvP ops into militia space and into nullsec once we begin to get an active membership. Things we are looking for:+New player friendly faction Warfare based corporation who do a bit of mission running here and there. Things we are looking for:
 *Active players *Active players
-*People who don't care about losing ships +*People who don't care much about losing ships
-*We are looking for pilots who want to get into stealth bombers/recons/black ops as well for future ops. 
 +*Friendly people for a friendly atmosphere
-If you are interested in joining, please send a convo to Shamus Wallace McCready, or an evemail if he is offline. +If you are interested in joining, please send a convo to Jack Lanigiro, Join 'CSTAM Recruitment channel', or send an evemail if Jack is offline.

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Resources 2012-12-17 08:17:29 Corporation Description
Corporation Confederate States of Amarrica Member 4
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