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 +The Charge of the Light Brigade
-Ask me if u want ;)+ by Alfred Tennyson
 +Half a league, half a league,
 +   Half a league onward,
 + All in the valley of Death
 +   Rode the six hundred.
 + 'Forward, the Light Brigade!
 + Charge for the guns' he said:
 + Into the valley of Death
 +   Rode the six hundred.
 +'Forward, the Light Brigade!'
 + Was there a man dismay'd?
 + Not tho' the soldiers knew
 +   Some one had blunder'd:
 + Their's not to make reply,
 + Their's not to reason why,
 + Their's but to do and die:
 + Into the valley of Death
 +   Rode the six hundred.
 +Cannon to right of them,
 + Cannon to left of them,
 + Cannon in front of them
 +   Volley'd and thunder'd;
 + Storm'd at with shot and shell,
 + Boldly they rode and well,
 + Into the jaws of Death,
 + Into the mouth of Hell
 +   Rode the six hundred.
 +Flash'd all their sabres bare,
 + Flash'd as they turned in air
 + Sabring the gunners there,
 + Charging an army while
 +   All the world wonder'd:
 + Plunged in the battery-smoke
 + Right thro' the line they broke;
 + Cossack and Russian
 + Reel'd from the sabre-stroke
 + Shatter'd and sunder'd.
 + Then they rode back, but not
 + Not the six hundred.
 +Cannon to right of them,
 + Cannon to left of them,
 + Cannon behind them
 +   Volley'd and thunder'd;
 + Storm'd at with shot and shell,
 + While horse and hero fell,
 + They that had fought so well
 + Came thro' the jaws of Death,
 + Back from the mouth of Hell,
 + All that was left of them,
 +   Left of six hundred.
-How to Copy/Paste?+
 +When can their glory fade?
 + O the wild charge they made!
 +   All the world wonder'd.
 + Honour the charge they made!
 + Honour the Light Brigade,
 +   Noble six hundred!
-Best EvE Online playing Girl ever 
-Banned Commercial Vids 
-Best EvE offer 
-How do i open the Door of my Pub? 
-Just like this? 
-Size DOES Matter ;) 
-Rules of EVE Online -  
-1. Trust no one entirely 
-2. Be patient and do the tutorials 
-3. Right click is your friend 
-4. There is no 'best' in EVE Online 
-5. Never fly something you're not willing to lose 
-6. Dont sweat the petty things and dont pet the sweaty things. 
-7. Thou shalt not whine.... 

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