Corporation - Description - 2012-12-31 08:08:05 - Live Ticker



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 +Roughneck Industries is looking for PVP minded players who enjoy a bit of mayem, death and destruction. Come join a growing corporation flying recklessly, laughing our asses off, and winning alongside our friends Thorn and the Honey Badger Coalition.
 +Join the chat channel "RNEC" or evemail Stryden Kaane or Slicktop to ask about recruitment. Contact Slicktop for diplomatic relations. Do not send in an application until you have spoken to someone. All unsolicited applications will be ignored and rejected. FULL API will be required, to include all toons on the account.
 +Our corp and alliance military objectives include:
 +-Small style roams policing our space
 +-Large capital ops & hotdrops on our enemies
 +-Medium & Large fleet combat
 +Popular ship types include:
 +-Shield Alpha Arty BS
 +-Hellcats: Pulse Laser BS
 +-Armor HACs
 +-Drake armies
 +-Nano T2
 +-Sniper HAC/BC
 +-Black Ops, Recons & Bombers
 +-T1 Frig Frak Fests! (280+ frigs set a record and crashed eve last fall :p)
 +We do not carry dead weight. If you're active within the corporation and a team player, your efforts will not go unnoticed, nor unrewarded.
 +Member Services Include:
 +- Corp Teamspeak
 +- Alliance Teamspeak
 +- HBC Comms
 +- Jabber Services
-Under Construction.....+- Corp Forums
 +- Alliance Forums
 +- HBC Forums
 +- Killboard
 +* PvP Loss Reimbursement Program through the alliance
 +* Unparalleled Logistcs Via Not-for-profit Courier Service
 +* Corporate/Alliance Combat Logi and Capital Ships.
 +Eve, it's what's for dinner. Fly, Fight, Win!

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Resources 2012-12-31 08:08:05 Corporation Description
Alliance THORN Alliance Member 9
Corporation Roughneck Industries Member 3
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