Corporation - Description - 2013-01-21 08:03:09 - Live Ticker



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-"Take from the rich.....and keep it" 
-That would be our motto... 
-We are a merry band of serious players but not so serious that this game rules our lives.  
-It's all pretty casual with very little discipline and a whole lot of just off the cuff roaming around getting in trouble. 
-We're into ball gags, leather crops, and long walks to the beer store.  
-Our primary mission is to ass rape our enemies which tend to be nearly everyone who is not us.  
-Most of the time we end up getting our own asses raped, so if you enjoy a corp where danger is at every turn and your butt is sore more often than not.  
-Welcome aboard! 
-In other words, you will die often under our wing. But you'll have fun doing it, and you'll take more than a few overly excited teen douchebags with you! +"Take from the rich.....and keep it"<br><br>That would be our motto...<br><br>We are a merry band of serious players but not so serious that this game rules our lives. <br><br>It's all pretty casual with very little discipline and a whole lot of just off the cuff roaming around getting in trouble.<br><br>We're into ball gags, leather crops, and long walks to the beer store. <br><br>Our primary mission is to ass rape our enemies which tend to be nearly everyone who is not us. <br><br>Most of the time we end up getting our own asses raped, so if you enjoy a corp where danger is at every turn and your butt is sore more often than not. <br><br>Welcome aboard!<br><br>In other words, you will die often under our wing. But you'll have fun doing it, and you'll take more than a few overly excited teen douchebags with you! <br><br>Muah!

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Resources 2013-01-21 08:03:09 Corporation Description
Corporation Powder and Ball Alchemists Union Member 5
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