Corporation - Description - 2013-01-21 08:03:10 - Live Ticker



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-"Desdemona pushed the golden feather in deep, to the limits. Her eyes flashed yellow, just the once, and then the ground was opening up beneath her feet, and weeds were pulling at her, yellow weeds, spiked with thorns. Desdemona was screaming." +<font size="12" color="#bfffffff">"Desdemona pushed the golden feather in deep, to the limits. Her eyes flashed yellow, just the once, and then the ground was opening up beneath her feet, and weeds were pulling at her, yellow weeds, spiked with thorns. Desdemona was screaming."</font>

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Resources 2013-01-21 08:03:10 Corporation Description
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Corporation PixelJuice Design Member 10
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