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- New Eden, such a vast expanse, full of mysteries, conflict, and for those with the skills to survive - a temporary glimpse of paradise. Many have perished in their quest to master this unforgiving space, while others have flourished, only to be toppled by the next wave of change. This is how it has been for thousands of years. 
- However, for the cycle of life to continue as it always has, the balance of life and death must be mantained. Many though have defied this, and have sought to artificially extend their pitiful existance anyway they can. In doing so, they threaten our space with corruption and decadence. Because of this New Eden cries out in pain. +<font size="12" color="#bfffffff"> New Eden, such a vast expanse, full of mysteries, conflict, and for those with the skills to survive - a temporary glimpse of paradise. Many have perished in their quest to master this unforgiving space, while others have flourished, only to be toppled by the next wave of change. This is how it has been for thousands of years.<br> However, for the cycle of life to continue as it always has, the balance of life and death must be mantained. Many though have defied this, and have sought to artificially extend their pitiful existance anyway they can. In doing so, they threaten our space with corruption and decadence. Because of this New Eden cries out in pain. <br>We, the enlightened, will answer New Eden's cry. <br>We, who understand life, will bring about Rebirth. <br>We, the bearers of Death, will smite all who stand in our way.<br>We ARE the musicians of new life, and Death IS our instrument!<br><br>Our mission: "To Bring about Rebirth in New Eden. To do this, we must destroy what once was to bring about what shall be."<br>Motto: "Death is Rebirth"<br><br>For Recruitment Info Contact: </font><font size="12" color="#ffffa600"><a href="showinfo:1380//91941343">Abner Cornelius Doon</a><br></font><font size="12" color="#bfffffff"> </font><font size="12" color="#ffffa600"><a href="showinfo:1386//91944122">Casey Evotori</a></font>
-We, the enlightened, will answer New Eden's cry.  
-We, who understand life, will bring about Rebirth.  
-We, the bearers of Death, will smite all who stand in our way. 
-We ARE the musicians of new life, and Death IS our instrument! 
-Our mission: "To Bring about Rebirth in New Eden. To do this, we must destroy what once was to bring about what shall be." 
-Motto: "Death is Rebirth" 
-For Recruitment Info Contact: Abner Cornelius Doon 
- Casey Evotori 

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