Corporation - Description - 2013-01-21 08:05:43 - Live Ticker



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-A Z U L E D R A G O O N S 
-"To secure peace is to prepare for war." 
--Karl Von Clausewitz  
-Dragoons have these Benefits: 
-0==)(==========> Combat Training 
-0==)(==========> Level IV missions 
-0==)(==========> Unique Ratting Opportunities 
-0==)(==========> Accelerated procurement of ships 
-0==)(==========> Incentives and awards for achievements. 
-0==)(==========> WH space exploitation. 
-0==}{==========> Hierarchal rank system with promotions based on merit and skills. 
-*Must be active, Very mobile corp. 
-Come fly with us into the dangerous skies, though the lonely days, and into the vastness of our immortality. +<font size="12" color="#bfffffff"><b>A Z U L E D R A G O O N S</b><br><br><i>"To secure peace is to prepare for war."</i><br>-Karl Von Clausewitz <br><br><b><u>Dragoons have these Benefits:</u><br>0==)(==========&gt; Combat Training<br>0==)(==========&gt; Level IV missions<br>0==)(==========&gt; Unique Ratting Opportunities<br>0==)(==========&gt; Accelerated procurement of ships<br>0==)(==========&gt; Incentives and awards for achievements.<br>0==)(==========&gt; WH space exploitation.<br>0==}{==========&gt; Hierarchal rank system with promotions based on merit and skills.<br><br>*Must be active, <i>Very</i> mobile corp.<br><br>Come fly with us into the dangerous skies, though the lonely days, and into the vastness of our immortality. <br>Be bold, pilot.<br><br>Securities offering: <u>100k isk</u> per share. Convo </font><font size="12" color="#ffffa600"><a href="showinfo:1379//1383791018">Leovarian Lavitz</a></font><font size="12" color="#bfffffff"> to invest!<br><br>CEO </font><font size="12" color="#ffffa600"><a href="showinfo:1377//1418306971">CerialKillir</a><br><br></font><font size="12" color="#bfffffff">Headquarters:<br></font><font size="12" color="#ffffa600"><a href="showinfo:5//30002641">Aufay</a></b></font>
-Be bold, pilot. 
-Securities offering: 100k isk per share. Convo Leovarian Lavitz to invest! 
-CEO CerialKillir 

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Resources 2013-01-21 08:05:43 Corporation Description
Alliance Sspectre Member 0
Corporation Azule Dragoons Member 19
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