Corporation - Description - 2013-01-21 08:05:44 - Live Ticker



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-Superior Mining And Logistics Inc. is a mining and industry Based corp, we have a large focus on manufacturing Ammo Drones and Ships.+<a href="showinfo:2//1057695273">Superior Mining And Logistics Inc.</a> is a mining and industry Based corp, we have a large focus on manufacturing Ammo Drones and Ships.<br>Our playerbase is active, and spread over most timezones, we are friendly, Laid back, and love to have a laugh.<br>We do Mining ops a Minimum of Twice Weekly and Have Quota, Bonus, Rewards, and Ship Replacement Systems and Regimes in Effect<br><br>Our Leadership is as follows<br><br>CEO's <br><a href="showinfo:1383//1214214370">Totals Dragon</a> And <a href="showinfo:1378//1452229868">Maruu Navorra<br></a><br>Director's<br><a href="showinfo:1378//1047281520">JamesCLK</a>, <a href="showinfo:1375//1018349207">Sabaraz</a>, <a href="showinfo:1375//346820649">AFK Burger</a> And <a href="showinfo:1385//1100825653">Drexyon<br></a><br>Diplomat's <br><a href="showinfo:1378//1047281520">JamesCLK</a>, <a href="showinfo:1383//1214214370">Totals Dragon</a> And <a href="showinfo:1378//1452229868">Maruu Navorra<br></a><br>Recruitment <br><a href="showinfo:1385//1100825653">Drexyon, </a><a href="showinfo:1378//1047281520">JamesCLK</a>, <a href="showinfo:1383//1214214370">Totals Dragon</a> And <a href="showinfo:1378//1452229868">Maruu Navorra</a>
-Our playerbase is active, and spread over most timezones, we are friendly, Laid back, and love to have a laugh. 
-We do Mining ops a Minimum of Twice Weekly and Have Quota, Bonus, Rewards, and Ship Replacement Systems and Regimes in Effect 
-Our Leadership is as follows 
-Totals Dragon And Maruu Navorra 
-JamesCLK, Sabaraz, AFK Burger And Drexyon 
-JamesCLK, Totals Dragon And Maruu Navorra 
-Drexyon, JamesCLK, Totals Dragon And Maruu Navorra 

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Resources 2013-01-21 08:05:44 Corporation Description
Corporation Superior Mining And Logistics Inc. Member 4
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