Corporation - Description - 2013-01-21 08:13:44 - Live Ticker



Old New
-Old Farts CEO Arleqwinn is back and is restarting the Corp. Come on back lets see what we can do. Setting up currently in Amarr area. New pilots that want to get into mining and manufactoring you are also welcome. There was a time that we were one of the top 10 manufacter corps in EVE magazine. Lets see if we can do it again! +COME ONE COME ALL WE WANT YOU!!!!!!<br><br>Old Farts CEO Arleqwinn is back and is restarting the Corp. Come on back lets see what we can do. Setting up currently in Amarr area. New pilots that want to get into mining and manufactoring you are also welcome. There was a time that we were one of the top 10 manufacter corps in EVE magazine. Lets see if we can do it again!<br><br>Also would like you to have positive standing with Amarr Empire.<br><br>Perks<br>tax rate 1%<br>Monthly Dividends<br>Newbies welcomed!
-Also would like you to have positive standing with Amarr Empire. 
-tax rate 1% 
-Monthly Dividends 
-Newbies welcomed! 

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Resources 2013-01-21 08:13:44 Corporation Description
Corporation Old Farts Member 8
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