Corporation - Description - 2013-01-21 08:17:33 - Live Ticker



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-Liquor in the Front 
-Poker in the Back 
-Fighting for your right to arm bears! 
-CALIMA COLLABORATIVE, we make those Blackwater guys look like sissys in sun dresses. 
-Contains detailed diagrams on what to rape and what to plunder, because mix-ups are soo akward. 
-[04:32:00] Paul Jaye > HAVE YOU GOT MORE ISK THAN COMMON SENSE?...WELL FALL FOR MY DOUBLE-YOUR-ISK SCAM.....YES THE CLASSIC SCAM UPDATED FOR 2011...SEND ME ANY AMOUNT AND I WILL PROMISE *NOT* TO DOUBLE YOUR ISK AND *NOT* TO SEND ANYTHING BACK TO YOU...BEST SCAM IN JITAH!... +Liquor in the Front<br><br>Poker in the Back<br><br>Fighting for your right to arm bears!<br><br>CALIMA COLLABORATIVE, we make those Blackwater guys look like sissys in sun dresses.<br><br>Contains detailed diagrams on what to rape and what to plunder, because mix-ups are soo akward.<br><br>[04:32:00] Paul Jaye &amp;gt; HAVE YOU GOT MORE ISK THAN COMMON SENSE?...WELL FALL FOR MY DOUBLE-YOUR-ISK SCAM.....YES THE CLASSIC SCAM UPDATED FOR 2011...SEND ME ANY AMOUNT AND I WILL PROMISE *NOT* TO DOUBLE YOUR ISK AND *NOT* TO SEND ANYTHING BACK TO YOU...BEST SCAM IN JITAH!...<br><br>[05:13:03] Shogo Lingwa &gt; /emote kcocks on wood<br>[05:13:23] Kun'ii Zenya &gt; kcocks on that's funny<br>[05:13:24] Kun'ii Zenya &gt; lol<br>[05:13:51] Shogo Lingwa &gt; well isn't any worse that the time i had the typo of hicks in bikinis lmao
-[05:13:03] Shogo Lingwa > /emote kcocks on wood 
-[05:13:23] Kun'ii Zenya > kcocks on that's funny 
-[05:13:24] Kun'ii Zenya > lol 
-[05:13:51] Shogo Lingwa > well isn't any worse that the time i had the typo of hicks in bikinis lmao 

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