Corporation - Description - 2013-01-21 08:24:35 - Live Ticker



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-Kor'ali is a recently founded corporation- The name stems from a high ranked guild on multiple other games - We provide a healthy atmosphere for gaming, fun and member personal goals being the priority. +<font size="12" color="#bfffffff">Kor'ali is a recently founded corporation- The name stems from a high ranked guild on multiple other games - We provide a healthy atmosphere for gaming, fun and member personal goals being the priority.<br><br>The Corporation is currently industry-ran. <br>Low membership- Be apart of the beginning of a corporation to become the buliding blocks of its future foundation. <br><br>Membership required- Velds- 7.9<br><br>We live in low-sec.<br><br>Include goals and aspirations in Eve in your App, age group, and skill point count or app will be rejected. </font>
-The Corporation is currently industry-ran.  
-Low membership- Be apart of the beginning of a corporation to become the buliding blocks of its future foundation.  
-Membership required- Velds- 7.9 
-We live in low-sec. 
-Include goals and aspirations in Eve in your App, age group, and skill point count or app will be rejected.  

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Resources 2013-01-21 08:24:35 Corporation Description
Corporation Kor'ali Member 0
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