Corporation - Description - 2013-01-21 08:24:54 - Live Ticker



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-Now's your chance to join a Corp with passion and direction, One that is focused on its members, on having fun, being successful and making ISK. 
-Are you an active EvE player with at least 3.5M SP… 
-Do you want to explore wormhole space? 
-Are you interested in Manufacturing? 
-Are you interested in Anti-Pirate PVP? 
-Instead of just being one of many drones in a larger Corp, come join the SPQR2 LEGION. Work with us to build a Corp the likes of which New Eden has never seen. 
-* Ship Replacement Programs 
-* Skill Training 
-* Team Focused 
-Working together, accomplishing our common goals… We all find ourselves bonded as brothers. We are LEGION. 
-The SPQR2 Legion is specifically looking for pilots with the following skills: 
-* Miners  
-* Haulers/Freighter pilots 
-* Scanners 
-* Covert Ops 
-* Logistics 
-* Pilots with PVP experience 
-Join a growing active Corp. with US and UK members. 
-Be part of a strong alliance.  
-POS's in 0.0 & Wormhole Space 
-Forums / KB / Vent 
-If you are interested in learing more or in submitting an application, post a reply or email Erich Messershmict in game. A screening interview and access to API keys are required before acceptance.+SPQR2 LEGION - EXPLORATION DONE RIGHT!<br><br>Now's your chance to join a Corp with passion and direction, One that is focused on its members, on having fun, being successful and making ISK.<br><br>Are you an active EvE player with at least 3.5M SP…<br><br>Do you want to explore wormhole space?<br><br>Are you interested in Manufacturing?<br><br>Are you interested in Anti-Pirate PVP?<br><br><br>Instead of just being one of many drones in a larger Corp, come join the SPQR2 LEGION. Work with us to build a Corp the likes of which New Eden has never seen.<br><br>* Ship Replacement Programs<br>* Skill Training<br>* Team Focused<br><br>Working together, accomplishing our common goals… We all find ourselves bonded as brothers. We are LEGION.<br><br>The SPQR2 Legion is specifically looking for pilots with the following skills:<br><br>* Miners <br>* Haulers/Freighter pilots<br>* Scanners<br>* Covert Ops<br>* Logistics<br>* Pilots with PVP experience<br><br>Join a growing active Corp. with US and UK members.<br>Be part of a strong alliance. <br>POS's in 0.0 &amp; Wormhole Space<br>Forums / KB / Vent<br><br>If you are interested in learing more or in submitting an application, post a reply or email <a href="showinfo:1376//846500340">Erich Messershmict</a> in game. A screening interview and access to API keys are required before acceptance.

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Resources 2013-01-21 08:24:54 Corporation Description
Corporation Senatus Populusque Romanus. Member 5
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