Corporation - Description - 2013-01-21 08:27:00 - Live Ticker



Old New
---- Our CEO, Quetzalcoatl III, turned to pvp, so he left that corp to his alt Quetzalcoatl IV. This corporation will remain inactive for as long as Quetzalcoatl III has interest for pvp. ---+--- Our CEO, <a href="showinfo:1378//1810893554">Quetzalcoatl III</a>, turned to pvp, so he left that corp to his alt <a href="showinfo:1373//1397449931">Quetzalcoatl IV</a>. This corporation will remain inactive for as long as <a href="showinfo:1378//1810893554">Quetzalcoatl III</a> has interest for pvp. ---<br><br>We are a new corporation with few members. But we want to grow and become stronger.<br><br>Currently we are busying ourselves with trading and manufacturing, all high- and low-sec but we mostly operate in high-sec. <br><br>We welcome all races, but we have a 5M skillpoints restriction because of Alliance requirements.<br><br>Currently recruiting mostly traders, miners and manufacturers, but mission-runners and researchers are also welcome.<br><br>Apply to any of our offices.<br><br>For any information, contact:<br>CEO <a href="showinfo:1378//1810893554">Quetzalcoatl III<br></a>Master Trader <a href="showinfo:1375//1826845937">Xalathal<br></a>Master Miner <a href="showinfo:1378//1506051651">Sarazael XVI<br></a><br>Offices:<br>Region --- DOMAIN<br><a href="showinfo:1926//60007762">Thebeka VI - Moon 19 - Imperial Chancellor Information Center<br></a><a href="showinfo:1930//60006109">Dakba VI - Amarr Constructions Foundry</a>
-We are a new corporation with few members. But we want to grow and become stronger. 
-Currently we are busying ourselves with trading and manufacturing, all high- and low-sec but we mostly operate in high-sec.  
-We welcome all races, but we have a 5M skillpoints restriction because of Alliance requirements. 
-Currently recruiting mostly traders, miners and manufacturers, but mission-runners and researchers are also welcome. 
-Apply to any of our offices. 
-For any information, contact: 
-CEO Quetzalcoatl III 
-Master Trader Xalathal 
-Master Miner Sarazael XVI 
-Region --- DOMAIN 
-Thebeka VI - Moon 19 - Imperial Chancellor Information Center 
-Dakba VI - Amarr Constructions Foundry 

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Resources 2013-01-21 08:27:00 Corporation Description
Corporation Uroboros Trading Company Member 3
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