Corporation - Description - 2013-01-21 08:29:11 - Live Ticker



Old New
-NOTE: VEV is temporary closed for new applicants.  
-Virtual Empire Vanguard [VEV] is an empire corp which is semi-friendly (:P) with a 0.0 corp Virtual Life Vanguard [VIV] 
-VEV offers: 
-*Mining Ops, (Personal and corp)(Ore and Ice) 
-*Mission fleets (lvl 4's) 
-Shared communication channel for VEV and VIV members so you will know them too and work with them. 
-If you want to move to 0.0 you can join VIV and be a part of a great corp with ambition, dedicated and inspired leadership. 
-We are looking for: 
-* New players who want to learn how to survive in EVE 
-* Pilots who want to do teamwork but dont want to be forced to join ops. 
-* Pilots who like to do missions alone or in groups. 
-* Pilots who want to live in empire just because they are bored of 0.0 
-* Pilots from all TZ's 
-* Experienced players from all kind of careers who like to teach and spread the words \o/ 
-* Miners, Builders, Traders, well.......we need you!!! 
-VEV will help you where ever it can to support your career and make your stay with us as enjoyable as possible.  
-If you would like to know more about VEV or VIV, plz join the VIV Lounge for more info or convo/mail one of the following persons:+<font size="12" color="#bfffffff">NOTE: VEV is temporary closed for new applicants. <br><br></font><font size="12" color="#ffffa600"><a href="showinfo:2//98002865">Virtual Empire Vanguard</a></font><font size="12" color="#bfffffff"> [VEV] is an empire corp which is semi-friendly (:P) with a 0.0 corp </font><font size="12" color="#ffffa600"><a href="showinfo:2//165837245">Virtual Life Vanguard</a></font><font size="12" color="#bfffffff"> [VIV]<br><br>VEV offers:<br><br>*Mining Ops, (Personal and corp)(Ore and Ice)<br>*Mission fleets (lvl 4's)<br>*Training<br>*Teamwork<br>*Fun<br><br>Shared communication channel for VEV and VIV members so you will know them too and work with them.<br><br>If you want to move to 0.0 you can join VIV and be a part of a great corp with ambition, dedicated and inspired leadership.<br><br>We are looking for:<br><br>* New players who want to learn how to survive in EVE<br>* Pilots who want to do teamwork but dont want to be forced to join ops.<br>* Pilots who like to do missions alone or in groups.<br>* Pilots who want to live in empire just because they are bored of 0.0<br>* Pilots from all TZ's<br>* Experienced players from all kind of careers who like to teach and spread the words \o/<br>* Miners, Builders, Traders, well.......we need you!!!<br><br>VEV will help you where ever it can to support your career and make your stay with us as enjoyable as possible. <br><br>If you would like to know more about VEV or VIV, plz join the VIV Lounge for more info or convo/mail one of the following persons:<br><br>Frisian Outlaw (VEV recruiter) <br>Faith Comet (VEV recruiter)<br>Honore Degallente (VIV recruiter)<br><br>Cya in space!</font>
-Frisian Outlaw (VEV recruiter)  
-Faith Comet (VEV recruiter) 
-Honore Degallente (VIV recruiter) 
-Cya in space! 

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Resources 2013-01-21 08:29:11 Corporation Description
Alliance Vanguard Ascendants Member 0
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