Corporation - Description - 2013-01-21 08:32:11 - Live Ticker



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-You want to know? Well, I'm dead either way, I might as well talk. 
-You want to hear about the Bunny Mafia? I'll tell you about it. Yeah, I ran with the rabbits. Cooked books for the Five Hutches, trafficked in hookers. You know. Because they screw like rabbits. 
-No drugs. Only carrots, lettuce, cabbage - they like vegetables. The fresher, the better. Then, one day, a package arrives. It's a bloody foot on a chain, wrapped in newspaper. "Little Bunny Fufu sleeps with the Easter Eggs," said The Harefather. +(\_/)<br>(&gt;.&lt;)<br>(")_(")<br>You want to know? Well, I'm dead either way, I might as well talk.<br>You want to hear about the Bunny Mafia? I'll tell you about it. Yeah, I ran with the rabbits. Cooked books for the Five Hutches, trafficked in hookers. You know. Because they screw like rabbits.<br>No drugs. Only carrots, lettuce, cabbage - they like vegetables. The fresher, the better. Then, one day, a package arrives. It's a bloody foot on a chain, wrapped in newspaper. "Little Bunny Fufu sleeps with the Easter Eggs," said The Harefather.<br>Yeah, he got whacked on the head, alright. He got whacked...<br>(\_/)<br>(&gt;.&lt;)<br>(")_(")
-Yeah, he got whacked on the head, alright. He got whacked... 
-♫ public channel: Bunny Mafia 

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Resources 2013-01-21 08:32:11 Corporation Description
Corporation Bunny Mafia Member 2
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