Corporation - Description - 2013-01-21 08:32:46 - Live Ticker



Old New
-SNIPER UNLIMITED is Mainly a mission running and mining corp who are willing to learn the game together We are an very relaxed and friendly corp who try there best to help all there members we are mainly an uk/us corp+<a href="showinfo:2//1091529344">SNIPER UNLIMITED</a> is Mainly a mission running and mining corp who are willing to learn the game together We are an very relaxed and friendly corp who try there best to help all there members we are mainly an uk/us corp<br><br>we are Now looking for new and old players who wold like to do :-<br><br>- PVP-<br>- wormhole class 2 Available-<br>- Mining / salvaging / Manufacturing / Trading-<br>- We do Level 1 - 4 Amarr/Caldari/khinid Kingdom Mission's-<br>- KillBoard Available-<br>- Team Speak 3 Available-<br>- 10m sp Minimum!<br>Offices available to send us an application at is listed Below<br>Uhodoh IX - Viziam Factory<br>Palas II - Royal Khanid Navy Assembly Plant<br>Ebtesham V - Amarr Navy Assembly Plant<br>Kisogo VII - State War Academy School<br>Amarr VI (Zorast) - Moon 2 - Theology Council Tribunal<br>Umokka X - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Testing Facilities<br><br>We are also looking for frendly corps that wold like to join our corp/Alliance<br>
-we are Now looking for new and old players who wold like to do :- 
-- PVP- 
-- wormhole class 2 Available- 
-- Mining / salvaging / Manufacturing / Trading- 
-- We do Level 1 - 4 Amarr/Caldari/khinid Kingdom Mission's- 
-- KillBoard Available- 
-- Team Speak 3 Available- 
-- 10m sp Minimum! 
-Offices available to send us an application at is listed Below 
-Uhodoh IX - Viziam Factory 
-Palas II - Royal Khanid Navy Assembly Plant 
-Ebtesham V - Amarr Navy Assembly Plant 
-Kisogo VII - State War Academy School 
-Amarr VI (Zorast) - Moon 2 - Theology Council Tribunal 
-Umokka X - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Testing Facilities 
-We are also looking for frendly corps that wold like to join our corp/Alliance 

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Resources 2013-01-21 08:32:46 Corporation Description
Alliance United Abominations Member 0
Corporation sniper unlimited Member 5
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