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-Legio octava Augusta (Eighth Augustan Legion) was a Roman legion created by Pompey in 65 BC, along with the 6th, 7th & 9th, and continuing in service to Rome for at least 400 years thereafter. 
-They were ordered to Cisalpine Gaul around 58 BC by Julius Caesar, and marched with him throughout the entire Gallic Wars.  
-In 49, at the very beginning of the civil war between Caesar and Pompey, the Eighth Legion accompanied Caesar across the Rubicon into Italy.  
-By the end, they stood against him at the Battle of Pharsalus.  
-The legion was also present in Egypt, when Caesar captured Egypt for Cleopatra.  
-In 46 BC the legion took part in the Battle of Thapsus (modern Tunisia), shortly before their disbandment. 
-In 44 BC, Augustus reconstituted the legion which had helped him attain the control of the Empire. This loyalty gave the legion the cognomen Augusta.  
-VIII Augusta took part in the Roman invasion of Britain. 
-In 69 AD, the Year of the Four Emperors, following the suicide of Nero, the legion took the part of Vespasian, the new emperor.  
-After that they take new name First Italic Legion.  
-The legion also fought in Parthia with Septimius Severus (who ruled from 193 until 211) and with his successors. 
-Records indicate that they were still active during the first years of the 4th century at the Rhine frontier.  
-This means that the history of the legion covers more than 400 years of almost continuous service.  
-In 371 it was stationed in Argentoratum (Strasbourg), in Germania Superior, according to an inscription.  
-Later, the Roman general Stilicho, was compelled to move the German legions back to Italy to defend it against the Visigothic invasion. 
-According to Notitia Dignitatum, around 420 an Octaviani unit was under the Magister Peditum of Italia; it is possible that this unit was the old VIII Augusta, which was originally a comitatensis unit, but that had been promoted to palatina status.+Legio octava Augusta (Eighth Augustan Legion) was a Roman legion created by Pompey in 65 BC, along with the 6th, 7th &amp; 9th, and continuing in service to Rome for at least 400 years thereafter.<br><br>They were ordered to Cisalpine Gaul around 58 BC by Julius Caesar, and marched with him throughout the entire Gallic Wars. <br><br>In 49, at the very beginning of the civil war between Caesar and Pompey, the Eighth Legion accompanied Caesar across the Rubicon into Italy. <br><br>By the end, they stood against him at the Battle of Pharsalus. <br><br>The legion was also present in Egypt, when Caesar captured Egypt for Cleopatra. <br><br>In 46 BC the legion took part in the Battle of Thapsus (modern Tunisia), shortly before their disbandment.<br><br>In 44 BC, Augustus reconstituted the legion which had helped him attain the control of the Empire. This loyalty gave the legion the cognomen Augusta. <br><br>VIII Augusta took part in the Roman invasion of Britain.<br><br>In 69 AD, the Year of the Four Emperors, following the suicide of Nero, the legion took the part of Vespasian, the new emperor. <br>After that they take new name First Italic Legion. <br><br>The legion also fought in Parthia with Septimius Severus (who ruled from 193 until 211) and with his successors.<br><br>Records indicate that they were still active during the first years of the 4th century at the Rhine frontier. <br><br>This means that the history of the legion covers more than 400 years of almost continuous service. <br><br>In 371 it was stationed in Argentoratum (Strasbourg), in Germania Superior, according to an inscription. <br><br>Later, the Roman general Stilicho, was compelled to move the German legions back to Italy to defend it against the Visigothic invasion.<br><br>According to Notitia Dignitatum, around 420 an Octaviani unit was under the Magister Peditum of Italia; it is possible that this unit was the old VIII Augusta, which was originally a comitatensis unit, but that had been promoted to palatina status.

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