Corporation - Description - 2013-01-21 08:33:32 - Live Ticker



Old New
-Manufacturing and Research corp dedicated to all aspects of making ISK. Membership gets you a share of our profits, so if you can Trade, Research, Manufacture, or Haul, feel free to drop an application in. +=CLOSED FOR NOW=<br>Manufacturing and Research corp dedicated to all aspects of making ISK. Membership gets you a share of our profits, so if you can Trade, Research, Manufacture, or Haul, feel free to drop an application in.<br><br>We accept new and old players alike, so this is a perfect place to learn the ropes if you're new.
-We accept new and old players alike, so this is a perfect place to learn the ropes if you're new. 

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Resources 2013-01-21 08:33:32 Corporation Description
Alliance EVE Trade Alliance Member 56
Corporation All Points Production Member 3
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