Corporation - Description - 2013-01-21 08:34:39 - Live Ticker



Old New
-✜ Sinners ✜ 
-We mind our own business, Reckon you should do the same...  
-Cogito Ergo Sum....... 
-We still don't know what we're doing 
-NBSI In all Space, NRDS in Providence 
-We are a corporation of friendly and (im)mature members who want to Pvp together and kill things with fire in eve and other games. 
-We engage in all aspects of the game Including piracy, WH exploration etc..., We live in npc 0.0 in Stain... 
-In short : 
--Regular Pvp in 00 and lowsec  
--No SP minimum,  
--Must be over 25 years of age 
--We are all adults with lives, We know RL comes first 
-What we offer : 
-- Lots of help and advice from veteran 0.0. players for pvp. 
-What we want: 
-Active players, PvP and Industrialists who want to pvp and be involved in the corporation . We are primarily EU TZ and we would like to keep it that way so no americans pls. +<font size="12" color="#bfffffff">✜ Sinners ✜<br><br>We mind our own business, Reckon you should do the same... <br><br>Cogito Ergo Sum.......<br><br>We still don't know what we're doing<br><br>NBSI In all Space, NRDS in Providence<br><br>We are a corporation of friendly and (im)mature members who want to Pvp together and kill things with fire in eve and other games.<br><br>We engage in all aspects of the game Including piracy, WH exploration etc..., We live in npc 0.0 in Stain...<br><br>In short :<br><br>-Regular Pvp in 00 and lowsec <br>-No SP minimum, <br>-Must be over 25 years of age<br>-We are all adults with lives, We know RL comes first<br><br><br>What we offer :<br><br>- Lots of help and advice from veteran 0.0. players for pvp.<br><br>What we want:<br><br>Active players, PvP and Industrialists who want to pvp and be involved in the corporation . We are primarily EU TZ and we would like to keep it that way so no americans pls. <br><br>Who to contact :<br><br></font><font size="12" color="#ffffa600"><loc><a href="showinfo:1379//92658985">King Skinner</a><br><a href="showinfo:1385//90261598">Jessica Canady</a></loc></font>
-Who to contact : 
-King Skinner 
-Jessica Canady 

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Resources 2013-01-21 08:34:39 Corporation Description
Alliance The Cult of Clean Head Member 0
Corporation Sin Sensation Member 0
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