Corporation - Description - 2013-01-21 08:34:41 - Live Ticker



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-We are a Corporation built on Trust and Loyalty, we are a small group of close friends and we would like to expand our little community. We ALWAYS help eachother, we also group mine (very good way to make some profit and learn the game) on top of group mining we do what we call Exploration Expedition's where we find npc complexes that can vary in difficulty and rewards. We are a new Corporation with a voice chat program which allows us to work more effectively as a team without the typing "Ping". So if your looking for an active and enjoyable group of friends send in an application we accept Players of any skill. :D +We are a Corporation built on Trust and Loyalty, we are a small group of close friends and we would like to expand our little community. We ALWAYS help eachother, we also group mine (very good way to make some profit and learn the game) on top of group mining we do what we call Exploration Expedition's where we find npc complexes that can vary in difficulty and rewards. We are a new Corporation with a voice chat program which allows us to work more effectively as a team without the typing "Ping". So if your looking for an active and enjoyable group of friends send in an application we accept Players of any skill. :D<br>_ALTS NEED NOT APPLY_<br><br>&lt;^&gt;(~*_FOUNDERS_*~)&lt;^&gt;<br>RYAN Beasty Whore (Raidenfall)<br>Josh Necro Microwave (J Threetears)<br>Ricky Bobby Bltch (Heathorn)
-RYAN Beasty Whore (Raidenfall) 
-Josh Necro Microwave (J Threetears) 
-Ricky Bobby Bltch (Heathorn) 

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Resources 2013-01-21 08:34:41 Corporation Description
Corporation Dragons Of New Eden Member 5
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