Corporation - Description - 2013-01-21 08:37:06 - Live Ticker



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-Briskly, therefore, and with head held high, let us stride with dauntless step wherever circumstances carry us, let us traverse any lands whatever. Within the world there can be no exile, for nothing within the world is alien to man. From any spot whatever eyes can be raised to heaven equally well: the interval between the divine and the human is everywhere constant. +<font size="12" color="#bfffffff">Briskly, therefore, and with head held high, let us stride with dauntless step wherever circumstances carry us, let us traverse any lands whatever. Within the world there can be no exile, for nothing within the world is alien to man. From any spot whatever eyes can be raised to heaven equally well: the interval between the divine and the human is everywhere constant.<br>-Seneca, "Consolation of Helvia"</font>
--Seneca, "Consolation of Helvia" 

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Resources 2013-01-21 08:37:06 Corporation Description
Alliance Novus Dominatum Member 3
Corporation Mars Mining Directorate Member 20
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