Corporation - Description - 2013-01-21 08:38:09 - Live Ticker



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-We are a corp of non-bitter eve vets that like to pvp in small gangs of various compositions. We'll shoot people in lowsec, highsec, wormholes and nullsec. 
-Recruitment is Open. Skillpoints don't matter, but the minimum standard is that you be able to fully T2 fit a BC. You should also be self sufficient in terms of isk, and know at least the pvp basics. If you have that, talk to us. +We are a corp of non-bitter eve vets that like to pvp in small gangs of various compositions. We'll shoot people in lowsec, highsec, wormholes and nullsec.<br><br>Recruitment is Open. Skillpoints don't matter, but the minimum standard is that you be able to fully T2 fit a BC. You should also be self sufficient in terms of isk, and know at least the pvp basics. If you have that, talk to us.<br><br>Public Channel: The TICT Pub
-Public Channel: The TICT Pub 

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Resources 2013-01-21 08:38:09 Corporation Description
Corporation Terminal Impact Member 6
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