Corporation - Description - 2013-01-21 08:38:39 - Live Ticker



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-United Base Players (uBp) is a long-standing, active, family-friendly online gaming community. We play multiple games...Eve is just one of them. If you wish to apply, PM the CEO, and we will explain why applications are disabled. It's not impossible to become a member, but it does take some honesty and effort. +<font size="12" color="#bfffffff">United Base Players (uBp) is a long-standing, active, family-friendly online gaming community. We play multiple games...Eve is just one of them. If you wish to apply, PM the CEO, and we will explain why applications are disabled. It's not impossible to become a member, but it does take some honesty and effort.</font>

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Resources 2013-01-21 08:38:39 Corporation Description
Alliance Zealots of Atlantis Prophets Member 0
Corporation United Base Players INC. Member 4
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