Alliance Share

Name GoonSwarm
Ticker OHGOD
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2006-06-03
Closed 2021-02-26
AllianceID 824518128

Corporations [0]

  Name Ticker Member Joined
The alliance has been disbanded.

Former Corporations [260]

  Name Ticker Alliance (Now) Member Joined Left
Rebirth Inc. REBI 2 2007-11-05 12:00:00 2008-06-28 11:00:00
EVE Corporation1428 EC28 11 2007-10-24 12:00:00 2008-06-28 11:00:00
Sphere of enlightening SO-GO 1 2008-06-02 12:00:00 2008-06-28 11:00:00
Ad Astra Per Aspera ASTRA 4 2006-10-04 12:00:00 2008-06-28 11:00:00
B4HOSDead B4HOS 0 2006-12-10 01:43:00 2008-09-08 21:30:03
TunkbwahCorp TUNK 5 2007-08-07 19:37:00 2008-09-20 21:30:03
The Greater Goon GROON 99 2007-10-06 00:06:00 2008-10-18 21:00:04
Band of JerksDead BJERK 0 2008-03-17 21:57:00 2008-10-19 21:00:04
Etamnanki Technologies ETAK 4 2007-11-05 17:47:00 2008-10-19 21:00:04
Alternate Anchoring Solutions .AAS. 5 2008-04-07 00:38:00 2008-10-19 21:00:04
Kevytmaito Systems MAITO 1 2008-07-22 07:26:00 2008-10-19 21:00:04
EVE Time-Code Sellers Union ETCSU 1 2008-08-16 07:53:00 2008-10-27 15:02:08
Light Sparkle DevelopmentDead XLSDX 0 2007-11-12 06:22:00 2008-10-27 15:02:08
Epsilon Financial Bureau E.F.B 7 2006-11-13 14:19:00 2008-11-03 21:00:04
EVE Corporation1428 EC28 11 2008-07-02 02:43:00 2008-11-17 15:02:08
Yeah Jew Know It JEWER 1 2008-09-10 03:35:00 2009-01-01 15:02:08
GoonPIatoon ADTRV 2 2007-10-13 01:27:00 2009-01-05 21:00:03
Oy Vey Asset RecoveryDead TORAH 0 2008-02-06 10:42:00 2009-01-22 16:04:08
Pharisee Mercantile Society OYVEY 1 2008-07-27 17:19:00 2009-01-22 16:04:08
Shark Suits Ltd. SSUIT 1 2008-03-28 01:31:00 2009-01-22 16:04:08
Wookie Ghost Trouble WGT 6 2008-03-17 21:57:00 2009-01-22 16:04:08
Club 1621 C1621 4 2008-09-10 03:35:00 2009-01-23 16:04:08
CRICE Corp LOOL 13 2008-07-29 10:16:00 2009-01-30 15:02:07
d43d1y sh4d0wZ PWNZ 4 2007-08-21 22:44:00 2009-01-31 15:02:13
Band of BrothersDead ABSHA 0 2009-02-06 02:33:00 2009-02-13 16:04:09
Massive Undertaking MASIV 3 2008-05-13 02:43:00 2009-02-15 15:02:09
Lux VitaeDead LXV 0 2008-03-25 16:48:00 2009-02-22 15:02:20
Long Term Datacore ManagementDead LTDM 0 2009-01-19 14:15:00 2009-02-25 15:02:16
Crimson Corporation JUICY 4 2006-06-17 13:19:00 2009-03-03 16:04:09
Rho Squadron RHOSQ 2 2006-06-08 20:47:00 2009-03-03 16:04:09
Space Reavers SRINC 2 2008-09-20 18:25:00 2009-03-03 16:04:09
Golden WheelzchairDead ROLLZ 0 2009-01-23 02:39:00 2009-03-03 16:04:09
GoatFleet GOTE 3 2008-08-01 07:29:00 2009-03-04 21:00:03
Bad Moon Mining MOOON 2 2007-11-19 19:06:00 2009-03-04 21:00:03
Rat Lovers AnonymousDead RLUVA 0 2007-03-26 04:37:00 2009-03-04 21:00:03
Ye Olde Sweet Shoppe YEOLD 5 2007-01-09 01:59:00 2009-03-04 21:00:03
Teabag Heroes TBAGS 1 2008-01-16 15:38:00 2009-03-04 21:00:03
Gray IvyDead CEFTE 0 2007-06-15 14:37:00 2009-03-05 15:02:09
Goonfleet 2.0 GOON2 1 2008-07-26 01:45:00 2009-03-05 15:02:09
Get Stuff Done EFFO 1 2008-10-07 22:52:00 2009-03-05 15:02:09
Aphrikan Amarrican Criminal Household of Orphans AACHO 1 2008-08-29 04:45:00 2009-03-05 15:02:09
242nd Suicide Kings 242 3 2006-08-30 13:10:00 2009-03-06 15:02:09
The Local Corner ShopDead TLCS 0 2009-03-05 20:54:00 2009-03-13 15:02:09
Long Arm of King David Industry and ManufactureDead PESOS 0 2009-01-19 14:15:00 2009-03-26 15:02:03
Acrobatic Space SnakesDead A-5-S 0 2009-02-17 06:27:00 2009-04-08 21:00:10
Team Cousteau FINS 1 2009-01-30 23:50:00 2009-04-09 15:02:04
FATTYSNEEDLUVIN2 SLIME 12 2008-12-30 19:34:00 2009-04-13 16:04:09
Ephemeral Misgivings EPHM 4 2007-09-10 23:26:00 2009-05-20 21:00:11
Clarity of Purpose CLAR 26 2009-05-04 23:49:00 2009-06-05 15:02:19
KW logisticsDead KWL 0 2008-10-04 19:39:00 2009-06-15 15:02:06
Dark Swarm Legion OHWOW 5 2009-01-19 14:15:00 2009-06-22 16:04:11
Alliance of One ALOON 2 2008-03-17 21:57:00 2009-06-24 16:04:10
I Like Rocks ILR 1 2008-02-13 01:37:00 2009-06-24 16:04:10
Semite CentralDead GAZA 0 2008-12-30 19:34:00 2009-06-26 15:02:04
Lonely Souls United Mining and Manufacturing LSUMM 2 2009-06-01 00:37:00 2009-07-02 15:02:08
Delvish PetroleumDead DELVI 0 2009-03-26 03:07:00 2009-07-09 21:00:16
Rebirth Inc. REBI 2 2008-07-01 18:43:00 2009-07-17 21:00:06
General Eclectic GENEC 3 2009-04-13 20:49:00 2009-07-23 16:04:10
Outer Rim Jobs RMJOB 7 2008-12-29 02:42:00 2009-08-06 16:04:10
Apex AerospaceDead APAS 0 2009-05-04 23:49:00 2009-08-08 15:02:03
Remove Your HatDead RMV 0 2009-04-11 02:05:00 2009-08-11 16:04:10
Hot ComputerDead SONG8 0 2009-05-04 22:49:00 2009-08-19 21:00:13
Amarryan Nations KREIS 2 2007-02-25 15:11:00 2009-09-12 14:00:24
Gamma Haulers Against Drama G.HAD 8 2006-10-04 01:21:00 2009-09-12 14:00:24
Scalding Pie Services SPIES 7 2007-07-18 23:16:00 2009-09-12 14:00:24
Classy Manufacturing Society .SMUG 1 2009-03-26 03:07:00 2009-09-12 14:00:24
AJB Industries AJBI 13 2009-01-04 05:02:00 2009-09-12 14:00:24
Initech ExportsDead INIEX 0 2009-01-24 08:02:00 2009-09-12 14:00:24
Violent Industries VL 1 2009-03-03 13:55:00 2009-09-12 14:00:24
Talismans Revenge TALI 3 2008-01-11 01:45:00 2009-09-12 14:00:24
Sphere of enlightening SO-GO 1 2008-09-13 23:38:00 2009-09-12 14:00:24
Club 1621 C1621 4 2009-01-25 00:45:00 2009-09-12 14:00:24
Demonic LogisticsDead LILIL 0 2008-06-25 04:16:00 2009-09-12 14:00:24
Snoochie Boochie SLNGN 1 2009-06-27 03:46:00 2009-09-12 14:00:24
The Cult of Sesfan SIGH. 12 2009-05-04 22:49:00 2009-09-12 14:00:24
Flying Elbow Drop Industries OOOYH 3 2009-04-13 20:49:00 2009-09-12 14:00:24
Special Purpose Vehicle S P V 3 2009-03-03 13:55:00 2009-09-12 14:00:24
Alternate Anchoring Solutions .AAS. 5 2008-10-28 14:08:00 2009-09-12 14:00:24
Ad Astra Per Aspera ASTRA 4 2009-02-02 15:36:00 2009-09-12 14:00:24
Arsed Nuclear Mining A.N.M 1 2009-04-13 20:49:00 2009-09-12 14:00:24
Production Junction PJUNC 9 2009-03-05 02:11:00 2009-09-12 14:00:24
lolutahDead LOLUT 0 2009-05-04 23:49:00 2009-09-12 14:00:24
That's no moon STION 1 2009-05-11 21:19:00 2009-09-12 14:00:24
Exegesis Aerospace EA 3 2006-08-30 13:10:00 2009-09-12 14:00:24
Vik Luk for CSM VL4PR 1 2009-05-01 04:04:00 2009-09-12 14:00:24
Disgruntled Bees Industries .DBI. Goonswarm Federation 25 2008-08-12 01:45:00 2009-09-12 14:00:24
Insert Catchphrase HereDead INSER 0 2008-08-10 03:03:00 2009-09-12 14:00:24
Man Train Inc. HOPON 5 2006-08-24 03:14:00 2009-09-12 14:00:24
Peoples Republic of Tenerifis PREE 1 2008-12-30 19:34:00 2009-09-12 14:00:24
Killer Asians with Anime Images KAWAI 6 2008-10-03 02:26:00 2009-09-12 14:00:24
ALLTHISTORATTDead ALLTH 0 2009-01-24 10:02:00 2009-09-12 14:00:24
babby gon cry BABBY 3 2009-04-13 20:49:00 2009-10-05 21:00:10
I Am the WalrusDead IATW 0 2009-10-01 17:51:00 2009-11-21 16:38:07
Spinifex IncDead SPINI 0 2009-09-25 04:18:00 2009-12-11 10:40:57
Abuse of PrivilegeDead MGOO 0 2009-11-01 16:51:00 2009-12-16 00:38:43
The Local Corner ShopDead TLCS 0 2009-12-17 22:49:00 2009-12-31 01:07:13
Teknotic Industries TEKNO 3 2009-12-25 04:48:00 2010-01-27 22:24:10
Apple ResearchDead APRES 0 2009-09-25 04:18:00 2010-01-29 20:26:38
ANZAC Education Unit -AEU- 1 2008-05-13 02:43:00 2010-02-03 06:30:27
Failed Japanese Business VentureDead SEPKU 0 2009-01-03 06:35:00 2010-02-03 06:30:27
Sphere of enlightening SO-GO 1 2009-09-25 04:18:00 2010-02-03 06:30:27
Pulsar Inc. TAPER 4 2010-01-29 14:38:00 2010-02-03 06:30:27
Lux VitaeDead LXV 0 2009-03-19 00:29:00 2010-02-03 06:30:27
Lazy Strategic Industrial Foundation LSIF 2 2009-03-26 03:07:00 2010-02-03 06:30:27
Semitic Sciences YDISH 3 2009-01-22 05:00:00 2010-02-03 06:30:27
InterBee IBEE 3 2008-11-07 20:55:00 2010-02-03 06:30:27
CRICE Corp LOOL 13 2009-02-15 20:46:00 2010-02-03 06:30:27
Aenigma de AdamasDead ADEA 0 2009-11-26 20:12:00 2010-02-03 06:30:27
Floundry of Autistic Tycoons FATTO 6 2009-04-13 20:49:00 2010-02-03 06:30:27
Necks And Beards Enterprises NECKB 1 2009-10-01 17:51:00 2010-02-03 06:30:27
Schwoogie Labor Inc NGRO 15 2008-08-18 04:18:00 2010-02-03 06:30:27
Kruppstahl Inc. KRPPS 1 2009-09-25 04:18:00 2010-02-03 06:30:27
GoonFleel IWTAX 1 2007-11-13 00:15:00 2010-02-03 06:30:27
Pronger Physics Research Dept. ELBOW 4 2009-10-01 17:51:00 2010-02-03 06:30:27
MoonFleet GFMOO 5 2007-10-30 16:30:00 2010-02-03 06:30:27
Outer Rim Jobs RMJOB 7 2009-09-09 23:09:00 2010-02-03 06:30:27
Joseph's Urn JURN 1 2008-03-02 09:52:00 2010-02-03 06:30:27
Eight year old girls 8YO 9 2007-10-29 05:43:00 2010-02-03 06:30:27
Band of Kenzoku ReloadedDead -RKZ- 0 2009-05-04 23:49:00 2010-02-03 06:30:27
Quinton Quantum Associates .QQ. 3 2009-09-25 04:18:00 2010-02-03 06:30:27
Investment Advisery Services JEWZ 10 2008-01-25 05:01:00 2010-02-03 06:30:27
French Recon Organized GangDead .FROG 0 2009-03-05 02:11:00 2010-02-03 06:30:27
Darkstar1 ConstructionDead DS1C 0 2009-07-20 06:03:00 2010-02-03 06:30:27
Dungar Offends Gamma's Honor Often DOGHO 4 2009-02-22 04:46:00 2010-02-03 06:30:27
Bu Mad Mining U MAD 1 2009-02-25 00:40:00 2010-02-03 06:30:27
Mayhem Industries MAHM 3 2009-05-01 21:24:00 2010-02-03 06:30:27
Lunar Associates Worldwide Ltd LAW.L 5 2008-03-27 06:02:00 2010-02-03 06:30:27
Moonrakers JAWS 1 2008-04-07 00:38:00 2010-02-03 06:30:27
Council of Unicorns C0U 1 2009-05-27 22:48:00 2010-02-03 06:30:27
Goonfleet Investment Banking GFIB 15 2009-05-19 00:58:00 2010-02-03 06:30:27
CAPITAL Assistance in Destruction Society CAIDS 7 2008-09-30 09:20:00 2010-02-03 06:30:27
Walking Issues WALKI 1 2009-02-08 23:54:00 2010-02-03 06:30:27
Allah Ackbar's Ship ClubDead ALLH 0 2010-01-07 00:12:00 2010-02-03 06:30:27
Moon Suckers MSUCK 1 2008-11-12 01:35:00 2010-02-03 06:30:27
Weasel Enterprises LtdDead EWEAS 0 2009-09-25 04:18:00 2010-02-03 06:30:27
THE INTERNET. ALGOR 1 2009-03-26 03:07:00 2010-02-03 06:30:27
TunkbwahCorp TUNK 5 2008-09-23 22:27:00 2010-02-03 06:30:27
Bad Tesla Industries BADTI 4 2008-04-25 07:01:00 2010-02-03 06:30:27
Goon Deposit Insurance CorporationDead G-DIC 0 2009-11-26 20:12:00 2010-02-03 06:30:27
Free Space Pilots aka Banderlogs FSP-B 5 2009-10-11 05:36:00 2010-02-03 06:30:27
Lunar Incursions Korrupted KUNTZ 1 2009-05-27 22:48:00 2010-02-03 06:30:27
OH WAI OHWAI 1 2007-11-10 12:58:00 2010-02-03 06:30:27
Evil Fuzzy Bunnies EFUZB 12 2008-02-03 22:57:00 2010-02-03 06:30:27
Pikeys Campsite -PIC- 1 2008-11-23 17:44:00 2010-02-03 06:30:27
Tangiers IncorporatedDead GANON 0 2008-11-23 04:50:00 2010-02-03 06:30:27
Tynnu Heavy Construction And Haulage TYNNU 21 2009-09-25 04:18:00 2010-02-03 06:30:27
Bossy Meat Creatures BMCS 2 2009-09-30 21:04:00 2010-02-03 06:30:27
Eve Corporation15412 FOKU 5 2008-02-07 13:09:00 2010-02-03 06:30:27
Supernova Incorporated OSUPA 3 2009-02-25 00:40:00 2010-02-03 06:30:27
Frugal Enterprises FRET 3 2009-10-01 17:51:00 2010-02-03 06:30:27
Advanced Component Research Enterprise -ACRE 5 2009-03-03 13:55:00 2010-02-03 06:30:27
Ars Caelestis ARSC 1 2008-01-04 05:40:00 2010-02-03 06:30:27
Ars ex Discordia ARSED 85 2007-04-17 18:52:00 2010-02-03 06:30:27
Space Reavers SRINC 2 2009-10-01 17:51:00 2010-02-03 06:30:27
Witty Name EnterprisesDead .WIT. 0 2009-12-07 00:44:00 2010-02-03 06:30:27
Whateley Innovations and FoodmagoriumDead WIF 0 2009-05-19 00:58:00 2010-02-03 06:30:27
Sigma Holding CorpDead SIGH 0 2006-10-05 04:50:00 2010-02-03 06:30:27
Toweldog.jpgDead TDOGG 0 2010-01-01 17:59:00 2010-02-03 06:30:27
Risk Management Associates -RMA- 2 2006-10-09 14:19:00 2010-02-03 06:30:27
Igneus Auctorita IGNE 14 2007-04-15 06:37:00 2010-02-03 06:30:27
Fuzzy Advanced Mining and Transportation FAMAT 1 2009-06-08 03:00:00 2010-02-03 06:30:27
Rho Holding Corp RHOHC 9 2008-03-18 03:57:00 2010-02-03 06:30:27
WormFleet WORMY 5 2009-02-08 23:54:00 2010-02-03 06:30:27
ElitistOps ISRAD Deepwater Hooligans 155 2008-02-25 20:39:00 2010-02-03 06:30:27
Moon Mechanics Corp ISAC 1 2008-08-27 15:13:00 2010-02-03 06:30:27
Merch Industrial MRCHI Goonswarm Federation 128 2007-09-09 19:12:00 2010-02-03 06:30:27
GoonTech GOONT 7 2009-03-03 13:55:00 2010-02-03 06:30:27
Ultrapolite Socialites LOVEU 5 2006-07-20 01:51:00 2010-02-03 06:30:27
BBQ.PlansDead BBQ. 0 2009-06-25 23:19:00 2010-02-03 06:30:27
The Weasels of Doom ST0AT 1 2009-08-07 00:56:00 2010-02-03 06:30:27
DarkStar 1 DS1 6 2007-04-22 08:45:00 2010-02-03 06:30:27
Risky Advanced Production Enterprises RSKY 13 2007-12-10 13:01:00 2010-02-03 06:30:27
County Dispatch Heroes WILAN Young Miners Christian Association 5 2009-09-15 19:40:00 2010-02-03 06:30:27
The Greater Moon MROON 9 2008-04-12 22:06:00 2010-02-03 06:30:27
Tilburg Tuboscope BV T T B 2 2009-05-18 20:58:00 2010-02-03 06:30:27
OEG O.E.G Goonswarm Federation 178 2008-08-22 19:53:00 2010-02-03 06:30:27
Mothership Connection Inc. ATDOG 5 2006-09-05 14:55:00 2010-02-03 06:30:27
The Ministry of Indigenous Affairs METHO 12 2007-08-01 03:47:00 2010-02-03 06:30:27
Hydroponic Assualt Industries HIGH. 2 2008-07-14 09:14:00 2010-02-03 06:30:27
Cartesian Products CPROD 1 2008-11-07 20:55:00 2010-02-03 06:30:27
BigMek Industries ORKZ 5 2006-06-04 06:13:00 2010-02-03 06:30:27
Charles Ponzi School of Business SCAMU 6 2009-06-08 03:00:00 2010-02-03 06:30:27
Legion Du Lys LDLQ 26 2007-05-08 12:53:00 2010-02-03 06:30:27
The Theta ProjectDead L.RON 0 2006-06-08 20:47:00 2010-02-03 06:30:27
Underaged Miners Inc. NANCY Goonswarm Federation 14 2009-05-27 22:48:00 2010-02-03 06:30:27
Ill Fated EnterprisesDead 0HNOO 0 2009-11-26 20:12:00 2010-02-03 06:30:27
OEG Academy OEG-A 2 2008-08-22 19:53:00 2010-02-03 06:30:27
Federated States Of Micronesia B0OSH 2 2008-10-31 04:01:00 2010-02-03 06:30:27
Strong Handsome Men in JortsDead SHMJ 0 2009-09-25 04:18:00 2010-02-03 06:30:27
Battlestars BTLS 6 2007-05-02 17:25:00 2010-02-03 06:30:27
GoonFleet LWTAX Band of Brothers 262 2006-06-03 00:50:00 2010-02-03 06:30:27
FSP-B - Academy FSP-A 3 2009-12-13 12:51:00 2010-02-03 06:30:27
Duragon Pioneer Group D-P-G 6 2006-06-04 20:03:00 2010-02-03 06:30:27
Kriegsmarinewerft KMW Goonswarm Federation 555 2009-10-01 17:51:00 2010-02-03 06:30:27
Incorporated Incorporated INC.2 4 2009-09-06 22:06:00 2010-02-03 06:30:27
Measure and Integration Theoretical Research GroupDead MITRG 0 2009-06-07 01:59:00 2010-02-03 06:30:27
Hobbit Enterprises HBBT 8 2007-06-14 01:54:00 2010-02-03 06:30:27
Hyperspacial Logistics MUV 1 2008-10-18 07:49:00 2010-02-03 06:30:27
Magellanic Itg MAGEL Goonswarm Federation 36 2006-06-04 06:13:00 2010-02-03 06:30:27
GF Development Inc. GFDEV 9 2009-07-02 01:46:00 2010-02-03 06:30:27
Zanex EstatesDead ZNX 0 2010-02-04 01:34:00 2010-03-17 04:38:01
Goony Hand Social Club GHSC 1 2007-02-13 20:40:00 2010-11-26 19:38:16
Tolons Sister Whorehouse TOLON 3 2008-01-26 01:50:00 2010-11-26 19:38:16
Welp Inc HBUZZ 1 2011-01-17 00:45:00 2011-01-18 00:57:54
SniggWaffe SWIGG WAFFLES. 174 2010-07-02 02:28:00 2011-04-06 01:00:20
Snitches get stichesDead FMSWP 0 2011-04-22 19:16:00 2011-06-09 04:52:39
Jump Titans InDead SHMIS 0 2011-04-08 19:52:00 2011-07-04 17:36:07
North Western SwatDead NWSW 0 2012-12-25 05:02:00 2013-01-15 02:54:46
aWc Heavy Industries -AWC 15 2013-05-16 16:49:00 2013-06-21 16:43:50
L'Orfeo LRF 4 2013-07-17 04:37:00 2013-12-06 18:31:45
Apostrophe's On Everything. GRAMR 1 2010-12-10 04:30:00 2013-12-06 18:31:45
Blind Man's Trucking Company BRAIL 2 2013-06-09 16:16:00 2013-12-06 18:31:45
Born to Ghostride BTGR. 3 2015-11-15 05:10:00 2015-12-27 08:16:18
Diamond Logistics IncDead FSNIG 0 2016-03-31 15:22:00 2016-04-16 01:43:08
Phantom Troupe. HXH. New Eden Alliance 99013620 11 2015-10-19 18:30:00 2016-04-23 22:04:12
Meme Squad ME-ME 3 2015-08-11 00:36:00 2016-04-23 22:04:12
Great Game Mechanic NOTRL 1 2015-07-27 02:40:00 2016-04-23 22:04:12
420 ST0NR 9 2014-10-11 03:03:00 2016-04-23 22:04:12
Israel did nothing wrong JIDF. 1 2014-08-07 15:53:00 2016-04-23 22:04:12
Space Marketing Department DOLLR 6 2014-03-19 18:36:00 2016-04-23 22:04:12
Evorution MYBUT 1 2011-04-02 14:45:00 2016-04-23 22:04:12
heyoooooooooooooooo HEYOO 1 2011-04-02 14:45:00 2016-04-23 22:04:12
Eve News24 EN 24 2 2015-06-03 17:00:00 2016-04-23 22:04:12
aWc Heavy Industries -AWC 15 2013-08-01 21:05:00 2016-04-23 22:04:12
delvegoons 1DH 3 2015-07-25 04:17:00 2016-04-23 22:04:12
ElitistOps. I5RAD 1 2012-06-29 23:49:00 2016-04-23 22:04:12
Turkish Coffee. K B 1 2013-05-18 15:41:00 2016-04-23 22:04:12
Kickin' it With the Kardashians KIWTK 13 2013-05-16 11:48:00 2016-04-23 22:04:12
Crimson Nation C NAT 2 2015-07-25 04:17:00 2016-04-23 22:04:12
Baddie Count Inc. BADCI 1 2012-07-01 05:50:00 2016-04-23 22:04:12
Shitty Gimmick MYLP. 14 2016-01-18 20:16:00 2016-04-23 22:04:12
Awox Retirement Fund AWOX 1 2013-05-16 11:48:00 2016-04-23 22:04:12
L'Orfeo LRF 4 2016-02-19 19:29:00 2016-04-23 22:04:12
Rens 911 TEN4 Exalted. 45 2010-11-26 05:38:00 2016-04-24 21:44:33
Gentlepersons Traders and Industry Collective PPAID Goonswarm Federation 59 2016-05-03 06:39:00 2016-07-31 23:15:14
For a Few Finns More FFFIN 3 2016-08-12 19:54:00 2016-09-02 18:48:16
The VA Waiting List 4.EVA 2 2016-08-28 23:22:00 2016-09-30 05:44:29
CK-0FF -FU Intergalactic Space Hobos 32 2016-09-02 04:18:00 2016-10-07 20:51:34
Serenity CartelDead S...C 0 2016-08-29 04:22:00 2016-10-07 20:51:34
The Terrapin GroupDead RUKND 0 2016-06-10 04:07:00 2016-10-07 20:51:34
BROTHERHOOD OF ASSASSINS .INC ASZIN 6 2016-08-01 18:14:00 2016-10-07 20:51:34
alphafleetDead 0PLEX 0 2016-09-16 03:38:00 2016-10-07 20:51:34
CRICE Corp LOOL 13 2016-06-02 17:25:00 2016-10-07 20:51:34
We the Mightily Distinguished .WMD 3 2016-07-11 22:54:00 2016-10-07 20:51:34
Forsaken Reavers FKU2 13 2016-05-22 00:54:00 2016-10-07 20:51:34
Ghosthawk.Dead GHWK. 0 2016-10-01 08:36:00 2016-10-07 20:51:34
Jerkasaurus Wrecks Inc. JREX Sedition. 137 2016-09-21 17:03:00 2016-10-07 20:51:34
GoonfIeetDead IOWTA 0 2016-05-13 20:22:00 2016-10-07 20:51:34
Casual SuicideDead OKRAP 0 2016-06-21 17:43:00 2016-10-07 20:51:34
Entertainment of Electrovalves Brigade EOEB 6 2016-06-15 05:47:00 2016-10-07 20:51:34
The Autistocrats SOGOO 1 2016-08-08 20:47:00 2016-10-11 15:07:46
The Salacious Details of Pee-wee Herman's Sex Life PEWEE Goonswarm Federation 7 2016-10-02 21:11:00 2016-10-19 16:22:35
Ten Dollar Bond LOLTX 9 2016-04-24 20:55:00 2017-02-17 19:59:12
Luv2Rub LARP and Pony ClubDead GOTEE 0 2017-02-20 13:15:00 2018-02-16 17:52:39
Severely Diminished SEVDM 2 2017-02-18 15:42:00 2019-09-11 20:16:00
Chimera ControlDead CHMMY 0 2019-09-12 21:31:01 2020-07-13 19:16:02
deii feram DEIIF 3 2017-02-18 15:42:00 2020-07-14 20:01:00
DJs Offshore Retirement Fund SREEG 1 2016-04-26 22:53:00 2021-02-26 12:46:04
Chimera ControlDead CHMMY 0 2020-07-15 19:31:06 2021-02-26 12:46:04
Good Posting Academy FGDE 19 2020-07-14 19:01:02 2021-02-26 12:46:04
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API J:21 Mar 22:49 K:21 Mar 22:54 C:21 Mar 23:28 A:21 Mar 23:15 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:21 Mar 23:27 S:21 Mar 22:47 W:21 Mar 23:15