Alliance Share

Get Off My Lawn
Name Get Off My Lawn
Ticker LAWN
Faction -
Members 1131
Corporations 21
Founded 2009-05-25
AllianceID 150097440

Corporations [21]

  Name Ticker Member Joined
Jolly Codgers PVP-U 37 2011-05-13 14:32:00
(Executor Corp)LAWN HC GOML. 16 2015-04-16 05:18:00
Gnomes von Zurich -GOZ- 6 2015-04-17 21:07:00
Derp Company D3RP- 211 2017-06-10 01:23:00
Muhomory MUHOM 45 2018-03-15 00:15:00
Dormir no da ISK ISKDA 46 2020-02-09 02:16:03
T O R T U G A -TCCH 17 2020-04-14 17:31:03
BLACK SQUADRON. V4DER 47 2022-04-21 15:15:06
Ares' Legion AIFAL 27 2022-04-27 13:30:18
Ship Trading Company SOTOC 61 2022-04-30 00:01:01
The Awoken AWO- 173 2022-05-02 19:31:02
Department of Defence DEP 25 2022-05-03 00:31:02
Gnomeland Services GOMLS 23 2022-09-28 16:31:01
Astrum Mechanica ASMEK 98 2023-07-30 17:01:01
TerraTroopers TRPR- 76 2024-03-10 02:31:04
Right Hand Of The Legion. TWIN. 66 2024-10-06 19:01:01
Obsidian Engineering ACTEE 66 2024-10-28 23:31:06
A Rough Idea. A RO 14 2025-02-19 00:00:33
Cryptopia CYPTA 8 2025-02-19 00:00:33
Dark Shadow Syndicate 0G 51 2025-02-25 03:01:06
R3b3llium RYZZE 18 2025-03-16 17:31:00

Former Corporations [186]

  Name Ticker Alliance (Now) Member Joined Left
Rainmakers RMKR Demonic Wheat Pineapple 45 2009-05-26 22:06:00 2009-06-01 16:04:09
Hot Drop inc. HD1NC 8 2009-10-17 06:50:00 2009-12-05 07:03:29
Cracked 420Dead C 420 0 2009-10-17 06:50:00 2009-12-29 03:59:44
Eye Of ZOD TEOZ 4 2009-09-01 10:36:00 2010-02-24 06:10:03
League of Gentlemen LOG The Initiative. 475 2010-06-18 20:35:00 2010-08-15 21:26:05
Flight Training SchoolDead FTSL 0 2010-08-22 05:14:00 2010-08-23 02:39:54
Flight Training SchoolDead FTSL 0 2010-09-04 01:22:00 2010-09-16 04:19:29
Vos CombibisDead VOSC 0 2010-02-20 03:11:00 2011-03-13 17:28:16
Rainmakers RMKR Demonic Wheat Pineapple 45 2009-06-05 03:00:00 2011-05-01 10:36:23
LAWN PI IndustriesDead LPII 0 2010-10-23 17:52:00 2011-05-21 04:07:00
Obscure Ops OBS.O 3 2011-02-17 02:17:00 2011-08-09 00:33:23
Littlefinger LTD LFLT 1 2011-08-22 05:03:00 2011-08-24 04:26:11
Degenerate Corp DEGEN 6 2011-03-18 15:24:00 2011-09-20 20:29:00
Jolly Codgers PVP-U Get Off My Lawn 37 2011-05-13 14:33:00 2011-12-01 11:38:44
LAWN Wormhole SpecialistsDead LWHS 0 2010-01-25 02:03:00 2011-12-29 21:53:50
Entwurf Hausfrau ALTBH Demonic Wheat Pineapple 8 2011-02-15 02:36:00 2012-02-15 00:03:31
Valar Morghulis. XVMX 11 2010-11-15 02:54:00 2012-02-28 01:14:50
Joint Ventures Limited JVL 15 2012-01-11 06:54:00 2012-03-28 04:27:04
HAUS BLUEPRINT INDUSTRIES BPHI 7 2010-01-31 20:48:00 2012-06-17 15:53:45
LAWN MoonsDead L.OON 0 2011-09-18 21:00:00 2012-06-17 15:53:45
The Riot Formation RIOT. 116 2011-09-12 19:36:00 2012-06-17 19:41:46
Blueprint Haus BLUEP Blades of Grass 112 2009-12-31 04:33:00 2012-09-16 11:03:12
Virtual Progression -VPRO 5 2012-11-29 13:54:00 2012-12-03 16:54:47
Eclipse Navy ECNV 39 2012-06-04 23:10:00 2012-12-10 22:25:54
LAWN MoonsDead L.OON 0 2012-12-01 13:06:00 2012-12-12 20:02:42
Entwurf Hausfrau ALTBH Demonic Wheat Pineapple 8 2012-11-22 21:54:00 2012-12-16 14:19:36
Shadow of xXDEATHXxDead X.W.X 0 2012-12-19 20:06:00 2012-12-20 00:39:49
Virtual Progression -VPRO 5 2013-01-12 15:20:00 2013-01-24 19:46:57
X Soldiers Of Fortune X XSOFX RECURSIVE ASCENSION 24 2012-12-01 18:06:00 2013-02-20 07:29:09
4th CavDead 4TH C 0 2012-07-01 01:50:00 2013-03-01 02:20:25
LAWN MoonsDead L.OON 0 2013-01-02 02:11:00 2013-04-03 22:14:57
Solarise Flares EXSOF Straight Jacket Bears 5 2013-01-01 04:14:00 2013-04-06 19:22:53
ASMODEUS INFINITE ASSMO 14 2012-06-08 18:28:00 2013-04-10 14:37:38
Dalax Pty Ltd DALAX 3 2012-06-21 02:52:00 2013-04-10 14:37:38
All Five --5-- Sons of 5 Aces 5 2013-02-18 20:26:00 2013-04-11 21:02:34
Hephaestus LLC GROND 26 2012-02-19 22:20:00 2013-04-17 06:17:31
The Terrifying League Of Dog Fort DOGFT Deepwater Hooligans 215 2012-06-26 05:10:00 2013-04-18 14:36:05
Tactical Tea Baggers LIPTO Triumvirate. 58 2013-03-03 19:12:00 2013-05-07 08:51:48
Senex Legio SENX Manifesto. 41 2009-06-01 23:36:00 2013-07-27 06:00:33
LAWN MoonsDead L.OON 0 2013-04-13 02:45:00 2013-08-10 22:24:42
Defiance LLC DEFLC 20 2013-07-10 23:47:00 2013-09-01 13:07:31
Solarise Flares EXSOF Straight Jacket Bears 5 2013-04-09 01:07:00 2013-09-12 23:53:15
Occupational HazzardDead OHCRP 0 2012-05-22 02:48:00 2013-09-17 19:54:50
Seniors Clan -SNR- 59 2011-03-23 04:50:00 2013-09-18 02:34:04
Dark Wolf Development DVVD 2 2013-09-17 00:05:00 2013-10-04 00:41:47
Nexsyn Adventure N ADV 1 2013-10-07 16:03:00 2013-10-08 16:05:43
Strategic Cybernetics STCBY 2 2013-10-07 00:02:00 2013-10-09 23:47:22
Dark Wolf Development DVVD 2 2013-10-09 23:40:00 2013-10-16 00:33:51
Tactical Tea Baggers LIPTO Triumvirate. 58 2013-09-18 19:57:00 2013-11-16 02:29:34
StoneWall Metals Productions AR400 1 2013-10-10 19:49:00 2013-11-21 11:25:14
Grumpy Old-Timers 2-OLD 8 2011-03-11 21:14:00 2013-12-01 18:10:21
Quiet.Storm -QS- 31 2012-12-27 01:11:00 2014-01-01 22:08:30
LAWN MoonsDead L.OON 0 2013-10-08 09:03:00 2014-01-05 21:18:32
Winged Victory CorporationDead WVIC 0 2013-05-02 23:52:00 2014-02-18 02:57:57
Eye Of Insight ZZH 67 2013-06-08 20:41:00 2014-02-20 00:56:05
LAWN MoonsDead L.OON 0 2014-02-05 09:59:00 2014-02-22 23:40:33
FireStar Inc -F-S- 56 2013-02-11 13:46:00 2014-03-02 18:16:08
Interwebs Cooter Explosion OAR-G 5 2013-12-10 02:23:00 2014-03-27 00:24:15
Imperium Technologies IT Sigma Grindset 196 2012-06-08 18:28:00 2014-05-08 04:51:48
Entwurf Hausfrau ALTBH Demonic Wheat Pineapple 8 2014-05-07 01:03:00 2014-05-14 17:17:50
Loving Our Gnomes InappropriatelyDead GNMEX 0 2014-05-15 22:57:00 2014-06-07 19:13:01
Watch It Burn WIB13 2 2014-04-09 21:43:00 2014-09-15 01:38:12
Empyrean Warriors EPW 7 2014-02-17 22:08:00 2014-09-25 00:10:14
Zervas Aeronautics ZERVA 50 2014-05-22 16:45:00 2014-09-26 13:46:45
Grumpy Old Timers 2 OLD 2 2013-12-03 00:42:00 2014-10-07 22:28:04
Space Exploitation Inc 5EXI 9 2012-07-25 20:09:00 2014-10-13 03:10:07
Sacred Templar Knights ST.K Fraternity Auxiliary 24 2014-10-26 17:04:00 2014-10-27 17:59:44
GNomes Only Mining EverythingDead GNME 0 2014-10-31 08:23:00 2014-11-01 17:30:18
Jelly of the Month ClubDead JOTMC 0 2014-10-31 08:23:00 2014-11-03 00:48:02
Jelly of the Month Club JOTMC 1 2014-12-19 20:03:00 2015-01-04 02:33:47
Lucid Dreamers LUC. 7 2013-11-05 19:52:00 2015-02-15 21:59:16
Abraxsys A-BRA 12 2012-06-15 23:43:00 2015-02-17 04:14:59
Lost Society L-SOC 6 2011-12-20 23:44:00 2015-02-17 10:54:11
Killing is Business OHNO- 10 2013-05-06 19:17:00 2015-03-04 09:21:20
Extraordinary Danish Gents EDGEN 5 2014-11-20 10:20:00 2015-03-04 20:03:53
Blitzkrieg. VRTEX 7 2014-05-19 23:17:00 2015-04-13 00:38:52
Get Off My Lawn HCDead GOMYH 0 2009-05-25 15:36:00 2015-04-15 02:41:37
Entwurf Hausfrau ALTBH Demonic Wheat Pineapple 8 2014-10-10 00:19:00 2015-04-15 07:04:18
Gnomes von Zurich -GOZ- Get Off My Lawn 6 2012-06-05 01:10:00 2015-04-15 07:04:18
Blueprint Haus BLUEP Blades of Grass 112 2012-09-17 18:19:00 2015-04-15 17:38:10
Eternal Darkness. .D4RK 36 2014-01-13 20:33:00 2015-04-15 17:38:10
Outer Void Applications -OVA- 1 2014-09-22 21:56:00 2015-04-15 17:38:10
Love All Woodland Nymphs LAWNS Blades of Grass 15 2012-09-24 15:31:00 2015-04-15 23:10:01
Peaceful Easy Feeling P.E.F Brave Squids 5 2015-04-22 01:05:00 2015-04-23 03:33:18
all ur space r belong to usDead AUSRB 0 2015-04-18 02:07:00 2015-04-25 00:22:35
FD HoldingsDead FIGLH 0 2015-04-19 04:40:00 2015-04-26 00:39:43
Not going Away NGA4L 12 2013-08-21 23:38:00 2015-04-28 23:30:28
LAWN Elite Sov Balancing Organization LSBO 1 2015-05-12 21:49:00 2015-05-13 05:33:16
Servants of Shadows SOS.. 2 2015-04-18 02:07:00 2015-05-16 00:45:20
Eve Includes Gnomes Now Super CrossDead EINSX 0 2015-05-21 06:10:00 2015-05-30 14:02:14
Mostly Homeless M00H Goonswarm Federation 3 2015-06-22 00:44:00 2015-07-04 16:53:11
Lazy. LAZY. 10 2015-04-23 21:47:00 2015-07-23 23:25:17
Tell Your Mum To Call Me YRMUM 1 2015-05-22 22:06:00 2015-07-28 04:21:05
F0RCED ENTRY FRCD Solyaris Chtonium 28 2015-04-21 06:27:00 2015-08-06 02:43:12
Lord of Worlds LOW1 Lord of Worlds Alliance 2 2015-04-25 00:55:00 2015-08-31 02:28:19
Speaker for the DeadDead BELZ 0 2015-04-15 03:13:00 2015-11-07 03:07:14
Galactic Industrial Solutions LLC GIS. 7 2015-05-29 22:12:00 2015-11-11 02:42:05
PWT0 Fleet PWT0S 2 2015-10-10 22:46:00 2015-12-10 03:41:10
Groom Lake GROOM 9 2014-04-29 02:36:00 2015-12-22 16:14:27
Article IV ARTIV 17 2015-09-20 15:00:00 2016-02-16 00:00:19
The Idiot Kings SLCOF 4 2015-04-20 01:48:00 2016-03-15 04:17:09
Catastrophic Operations CAT0P 7 2015-05-03 22:15:00 2016-03-22 20:56:18
Helios Alliance HACE 11 2015-06-11 19:33:00 2016-03-30 21:02:01
Helios Adeptus Mechanicus HELME 2 2015-07-06 16:27:00 2016-03-31 16:44:42
German Industry Consortium G I C 11 2015-05-13 18:26:00 2016-04-03 19:19:42
Mindstar Technology MNDS Goonswarm Federation 113 2014-03-08 20:50:00 2016-04-13 02:49:25
LAWN Elite Sov Balancing Organization LSBO 1 2015-05-20 07:04:00 2016-04-13 05:52:28
No Refunds. NO-4U 5 2016-02-19 19:45:00 2016-04-14 04:58:40
Eve Ship Building Inc. ESBI 23 2015-04-30 21:51:00 2016-04-15 01:58:41
Istamer DAKOR 1 2016-01-07 01:36:00 2016-04-24 15:28:49
Fault Line IndustriesDead FTLI 0 2015-04-19 06:40:00 2016-05-09 00:20:25
Wraith.Wing .WW. 7 2015-04-17 21:07:00 2016-05-11 23:03:47
Bane Heavy Industries B-H-I 11 2014-10-30 21:23:00 2016-05-23 16:37:02
Saberick Interest and Development SABE. 3 2015-07-06 16:27:00 2016-05-24 00:16:47
Association of Commonwealth Enterprises A-C-E 19 2015-09-08 20:35:00 2016-05-27 01:12:40
Kibbles And Bits ASHFT 3 2015-10-13 05:55:00 2016-05-28 18:06:51
Delusions of Adequacy DOA- 4 2015-02-01 06:54:00 2016-05-28 22:40:36
Delusional Industries DOI- 1 2015-12-06 21:36:00 2016-05-29 03:12:12
Void.Tech VD. 12 2013-11-22 22:17:00 2016-05-29 17:46:08
The Terrifying League Of Dog Fort DOGFT Deepwater Hooligans 215 2015-08-23 03:20:00 2016-05-31 01:57:04
Yard Evolution YARD3 9 2015-11-04 04:12:00 2016-06-04 19:23:55
The Graduates TGRAD The Initiative. 1307 2015-04-23 05:36:00 2016-06-17 21:46:06
Graduate Investments -R.T- 7 2015-10-28 17:36:00 2016-06-17 23:07:22
Imploding Turtles Rising in Outerspace Gravity ITRIO 6 2015-04-21 03:27:00 2016-06-22 18:35:05
Oberon Incorporated OI 85 2015-04-17 15:07:00 2016-07-01 20:07:08
Interstellar Brotherhood of Gravediggers MBALM 5 2012-07-11 01:51:00 2016-07-24 02:11:09
Gnome Depot GMDEP 5 2015-07-23 18:42:00 2016-09-01 16:32:14
PreatoriumDead PRTM 0 2017-01-30 03:33:00 2017-03-07 02:57:48
Ab origine fidelis -ABF- 1 2017-01-31 02:18:00 2017-05-20 02:24:44
No You Dont UDONT 1 2016-12-16 04:11:00 2017-07-18 09:37:16
Not going Away NGA4L 12 2017-10-01 01:47:00 2017-10-23 10:31:27
No more Wall NOWAL 5 2017-05-18 01:14:00 2017-12-06 21:05:31
Easy Company Rock Grinders .EZRG 1 2017-06-10 01:23:00 2018-02-11 16:44:20
Maximum-OverloadDead MO7 0 2018-03-11 21:25:00 2018-03-15 02:40:03
The Price Of Freedom PRICE 26 2016-09-19 01:51:00 2018-05-28 21:46:07
V.O.I.D. V0ID. Pandemic Legion 60 2018-03-30 00:53:00 2018-08-08 15:16:15
HAMMER of TITAN TLTAN Domain Research and Mining Inst. 80 2018-03-25 23:58:00 2018-09-04 15:30:01
No You Dont UDONT 1 2017-08-27 17:42:00 2019-02-01 00:46:04
Cripple Creek LIKUR 1 2018-07-07 05:01:12 2019-02-03 23:45:40
Incertae Sedis INSRT 24 2018-09-30 14:01:14 2019-02-06 05:00:11
Stronic Drei TYHBT 10 2019-03-01 15:46:13 2019-06-24 20:31:11
Ice-Storm ..ICE 11 2018-06-25 22:17:09 2019-08-13 03:45:35
The Avatar Project --TAP 9 2018-11-04 22:46:08 2019-09-06 23:00:26
Daerie Inc. DAE-I 6 2016-10-23 17:01:00 2019-09-08 21:01:05
Daerie Technologies DAE-T 1 2016-10-23 17:01:00 2019-09-10 21:30:34
House Of Serenity. H0S. 42 2019-03-06 16:15:25 2019-10-22 07:01:02
DA ROKHA WELFARE COMMITTEE DAROK 8 2017-06-10 01:23:00 2019-11-01 05:01:04
Outlaw Company OUT-C 60 2019-03-27 02:16:02 2019-12-02 19:01:04
Anoikis Outlaws ANOUT 1 2019-10-03 04:16:01 2020-03-03 20:28:30
Easy Co. EZCO 15 2015-04-21 06:27:00 2020-03-19 13:38:45
Dystopian Angels D-ANG EDENCOM DEFENSIVE INITIATIVE 49 2019-12-06 17:31:05 2020-07-04 14:01:00
The Vulture Culture VU.CU 5 2020-03-28 22:16:00 2020-07-10 15:01:04
Star Nation S-NAT Goonswarm Federation 184 2020-05-05 02:01:06 2020-10-06 05:30:22
Deep Space Council DECOU 10 2020-01-07 20:43:06 2020-11-07 02:31:02
Resist and Bite. B1TE. 50 2018-08-01 02:46:16 2021-01-06 18:01:04
Strategically Bad 5BAD Goonswarm Federation 289 2021-01-13 03:16:04 2021-01-22 00:46:02
Paradigm Conflict PSHTZ 14 2017-12-23 01:59:00 2021-07-09 18:16:00
EVE Protection Agency E P A Bloodline. 7 2020-04-23 16:01:05 2021-09-16 00:00:48
Blades of Dawn BL.BA Stribog Clade 14 2021-08-20 00:00:19 2022-01-01 01:46:01
Public Enemies CO PUBLC The Initiative. 417 2020-04-02 16:31:06 2022-01-24 00:46:01
Praetorian Inteligenta PSMRT 1 2021-04-27 01:16:07 2022-01-25 16:01:01
Strategically Bad 5BAD Goonswarm Federation 289 2021-08-08 17:46:04 2022-08-15 03:01:02
Dominion. DPSP9 Sigma Grindset 57 2022-02-12 17:31:02 2022-09-18 12:15:59
Skouriotissa -SKOU 29 2022-04-11 03:01:04 2023-01-06 00:01:03
Outer Reaches Imperium ORI-1 44 2022-12-15 23:16:03 2023-02-02 20:15:50
Angels and Devils A.N.D 4 2018-04-11 12:32:00 2023-02-16 15:45:51
Weird Trolls PIWS 15 2022-12-21 22:46:03 2023-02-25 21:45:59
Haidamaky GORN UA Fleets 336 2022-05-07 16:01:01 2023-03-04 11:01:06
Dominion. DPSP9 Sigma Grindset 57 2023-02-07 02:16:01 2023-08-26 15:00:59
Gnomes von Citi FHOG 5 2018-02-12 18:54:00 2023-11-21 19:31:01
TerraCorp Industries T.-.I 1 2020-03-16 02:01:03 2024-03-10 03:30:59
Nova RepublicaDead TA3KE 0 2023-05-26 03:01:02 2024-03-11 23:46:02
Omicron ProjectDead OMIP 0 2022-04-27 13:30:18 2024-03-29 17:01:04
Eve Defence Force EDF 18 2022-05-01 13:46:02 2024-04-02 13:01:36
Mandible Inc DIBLE COLONY. 22 2023-11-04 00:16:00 2024-04-02 23:01:39
The Black Fang Syndicate BFS. 1 2024-01-28 07:01:01 2024-04-16 18:16:05
SubLight SUBLT 10 2023-02-11 00:16:00 2024-05-01 14:30:52
Big Diggers IDIG- 1 2013-11-24 23:58:00 2024-05-01 14:30:52
Repswarm Industries Outpost REPSB 2 2022-05-04 01:00:57 2024-05-23 22:31:05
Revival. REVI- OnlyFleets. 67 2022-05-07 22:01:02 2024-05-25 00:31:03
Preload Thorium PLTHO Sigma Grindset 63 2023-04-10 19:16:07 2024-08-05 02:00:59
Space-X Industry RRSXI 14 2022-07-13 16:15:17 2024-09-02 05:15:01
Omni Defense Intelligence Network 1.EYE Brave Collective 173 2022-04-24 04:31:04 2024-11-02 18:01:06
German Efficiency TORGE 9 2018-08-25 21:00:30 2024-11-05 00:31:06
Phase II P 2 4 2022-11-19 18:16:03 2024-12-07 22:31:01
The 12th Legion XII-L 3 2025-03-04 00:00:56 2025-03-17 01:30:59
PHP MySQL NGINX Webserver Firefox EVE Onlline Twitter @wollari Facebook
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