Alliance Share

Living Breathing Fuel Blocks
Name Living Breathing Fuel Blocks
Ticker MEMED
Faction -
Members 3
Corporations 1
Founded 2015-10-02
AllianceID 99005874

Corporations [1]

  Name Ticker Member Joined
(Executor Corp)Spicy Memes .9GAG 3 2015-10-02 06:47:00

Former Corporations [137]

  Name Ticker Alliance (Now) Member Joined Left
German Deep Space Mining Inc. GDSMI 1 2017-03-11 00:33:00 2017-03-12 20:56:03
RSE Industries RSE-I 48 2017-03-11 00:33:00 2017-04-09 13:09:11
The North South T.N.S 14 2017-03-23 20:24:00 2017-04-27 19:32:17
German Efficiency TORGE 9 2017-05-18 17:02:00 2017-05-29 17:26:51
Caustic Rhetoric E545 No Cigars 1 2017-05-30 03:48:00 2017-07-21 07:09:13
Long Dong Silvers Fishery DONG5 2 2017-03-15 19:48:00 2017-07-21 18:41:11
Beyond New Frontier Manufacturing And LogisticsDead BNF-M 0 2017-08-15 18:36:00 2017-08-28 23:07:48
Apollo Drive Yards APDY 18 2017-03-10 00:51:00 2017-09-02 01:57:18
make capital great again 2CPLZ 2 2017-08-16 17:15:00 2017-09-14 16:17:45
The Ends Justify The Memes JUSTM 2 2017-03-10 00:51:00 2017-10-24 13:27:08
Astartes' Guardians AG15 27 2017-09-16 20:46:00 2017-10-24 16:07:02
U.S. Marine Corp Mining Industry LCPL 8 2017-06-23 03:07:00 2017-11-01 03:35:54
Dream Trail BlazersDead D T B 0 2017-11-04 04:11:00 2017-11-07 19:01:37
The Dreams Justify The Memes EEEER 1 2017-10-26 12:14:00 2017-11-10 00:54:12
Small Worlds Corporation SWEVE 10 2017-08-10 15:47:00 2017-11-10 00:54:12
IRScam IRSCA 16 2017-10-03 21:31:00 2017-11-10 00:54:12
LBFB Buyback Corporation LBFB 1 2017-10-03 21:31:00 2017-11-10 00:54:12
The Capricorns NestDead MHEE 0 2017-05-11 20:41:00 2017-11-10 00:54:12
RSE Industries RSE-I 48 2017-04-29 16:18:00 2017-11-10 00:54:12
Mini Memes TINIM 19 2017-04-29 16:18:00 2017-11-10 00:54:12
Secret Fire BACKT 1 2017-04-13 04:48:00 2017-11-10 00:54:12
The North South T.N.S 14 2017-05-14 16:58:00 2017-11-10 00:54:12
Diggaz Wit Attitudes .DWA. 5 2017-08-20 05:59:00 2017-11-10 00:54:12
True Design TRPWR 4 2017-08-08 17:11:00 2017-11-10 00:54:12
White Cross Militia WCMLT 2 2017-03-14 16:37:00 2017-11-10 00:54:12
Order of the Golden Lobster OGLOB 32 2017-05-30 03:48:00 2017-11-10 00:54:12
Bad Wolf Advanced Munitions BWAM 2 2017-05-27 18:44:00 2017-11-10 00:54:12
Iron Fraction IFRAC Irritatingly-Forward Reactive Aggressive Coalition 7 2017-08-08 17:11:00 2017-11-10 00:54:12
Hyperspace Logistics Support HSLS. 1 2018-01-05 17:56:00 2018-01-12 16:31:15
North Korean Outpost NK-OP 1 2017-11-18 15:46:00 2018-02-09 21:44:55
SwingrowersDead SWGRS 0 2018-02-10 20:39:00 2018-03-15 19:02:13
Theran Minerals and Alloys 6CORP 2 2018-02-13 00:54:00 2018-03-16 19:57:52
C.O.S Crisis Operation Squad CRSQD 1 2018-01-27 01:11:00 2018-03-17 20:06:57
The Unemployment Agency N0JOB 1 2018-02-10 14:39:00 2018-03-26 21:25:11
The cradle of reason K.O.M 13 2017-12-06 16:49:00 2018-04-03 19:45:26
Millennium Industries -MGS- 13 2017-06-07 20:56:00 2018-05-01 22:09:21
Pancake Serenity PS-UO 2 2017-11-07 14:58:00 2018-05-07 02:00:19
KILL OR DIETRYINGDead DIETR 0 2018-02-14 17:11:00 2018-05-07 02:00:19
Roflcopter m8. R0FL. 34 2018-01-12 16:11:00 2018-05-13 22:30:59
Ragnarok's Children BWHOS 4 2018-04-25 17:16:00 2018-05-15 02:31:13
AcT Legion A C T 48 2018-02-09 03:05:00 2018-05-22 21:46:14
Deaf Eaters D3AF3 11 2018-03-04 09:56:00 2018-06-02 20:01:07
Counsil of Thermis -COTH 5 2017-12-09 00:44:00 2018-06-07 20:31:08
Division De Spiritu Sancto DD.SS 1 2018-03-20 17:14:00 2018-06-13 02:30:01
Manes Ex Eden Novi HANTU 5 2018-01-14 00:04:00 2018-06-27 17:01:17
Slita Mining Corp SLIMC 16 2018-03-26 01:01:00 2018-07-28 14:32:17
Two Hundred and Sixty Million Isk TicksDead 260M 0 2017-07-22 18:02:00 2018-07-29 01:31:18
EXCO Industrial EXCOI 17 2018-07-11 16:46:10 2018-08-07 17:46:15
Fuschia FleetDead FUSC- 0 2017-12-22 08:10:00 2018-08-15 04:16:22
Proteus Initiative GOYGL 12 2018-01-27 16:45:00 2018-08-16 22:22:03
BucketHead Productions BKTHD 9 2017-12-22 10:10:00 2018-08-19 03:01:19
Rebels and Renegades -REB 2 2018-08-09 03:46:12 2018-10-02 04:16:14
Imperial Mining IncorporatedDead IM-I 0 2018-08-01 01:15:02 2018-10-08 21:16:14
ThresholdDead THLDC 0 2018-07-26 19:36:36 2018-10-12 21:46:12
Military Armaments Research Syndicate Industries XMRSX 2 2018-07-30 23:46:16 2018-10-13 12:00:13
Hungarian Bastardz HUBAZ 25 2018-09-10 18:46:17 2018-10-21 21:46:07
AcT-Industrial ACT-I 9 2018-05-22 14:31:17 2018-10-24 01:46:38
Ventillium Inc VUMN 2 2018-06-20 05:00:02 2018-10-24 01:46:38
Moonlight Industry Sector M00NY 7 2018-09-28 02:16:13 2018-11-04 22:46:07
Vault-tech inc VATS 33 2018-04-05 18:30:00 2018-11-06 00:16:39
Thera Destroyer TER.X 6 2018-10-15 04:16:17 2018-11-08 05:58:02
Swiss Gaming Club .SGC 89 2018-08-18 21:46:23 2018-11-09 18:01:11
No Fox Given 0-FOX Already Replaced. 108 2018-03-17 01:57:00 2018-12-18 13:00:32
Shinigami Miners SHIME 1 2018-10-25 03:16:54 2018-12-18 19:15:01
Galactic Rangers -G-R- 17 2018-11-14 04:05:55 2018-12-18 19:15:01
Miners Legion .M.L. Test Alliance Please Ignore 84 2018-10-24 02:46:23 2018-12-19 01:16:28
Manufacturing Shack Industrial -MSI 30 2018-11-28 04:04:27 2018-12-19 06:18:05
Order of the Psychedelic Monks PSYMO 12 2018-08-09 03:46:12 2018-12-22 15:46:27
ToyBuilders TOYP 17 2018-12-06 06:30:01 2019-01-03 20:29:10
Parakeet Industries PKEET Fanatic Legion. 44 2018-05-24 14:01:58 2019-01-27 19:31:00
Taboo Occupation TAB00 1 2019-01-13 22:30:51 2019-03-15 18:30:29
DaremorenauT DAMOT 3 2018-10-01 17:01:13 2019-03-15 18:30:29
PerFecT CreaTionS PTCSC 6 2018-06-26 16:31:14 2019-03-15 18:30:29
SaturnuS Inc. STURS 13 2019-01-30 04:16:07 2019-05-13 15:45:12
Russian Wanderers RUS-W THE RUSSIA 64 2019-02-09 20:31:00 2019-05-14 15:25:37
Amigone Funeral Home AMIG 1 2019-02-05 20:16:54 2019-06-17 15:31:09
Enigma farmers ENNFE 29 2019-05-18 20:30:56 2019-07-09 19:30:42
Counsil of Thermis -COTH 5 2019-03-10 05:46:09 2019-07-10 04:31:10
Ignore Me Corp IGMEC 14 2019-01-23 18:31:08 2019-07-10 19:31:10
New Oriental Cuisine SchoolDead NOCS. 0 2019-05-24 22:00:01 2019-07-30 14:46:05
Ex Lex EX LE 13 2017-05-18 20:02:00 2019-08-10 00:00:09
EVE-CORP-PVE -DFG 62 2019-01-22 19:16:13 2019-08-10 19:59:30
Minmatar Duct Tape Inc. MDTI Azure Citizen 23 2019-06-20 01:31:10 2019-08-20 13:45:17
Mel El Mel PMLMQ 35 2018-10-11 15:46:15 2019-08-20 13:45:17
We Are Legion. WAL.E 6 2019-07-17 22:01:07 2019-09-07 20:01:01
PomPom.Dead PAMPI 0 2019-06-06 21:46:10 2019-09-08 13:16:05
Lovely Platelet Corporation L.P.C 25 2018-10-25 21:15:48 2019-09-09 03:30:18
AvBoBo and BvAoAo AVBOB 1 2019-06-13 17:31:12 2019-09-09 03:30:18
United Eden Federation.Dead UEFG 0 2019-06-19 16:30:13 2019-09-16 15:02:44
MyLittleDragon MYLID 87 2019-06-03 01:31:10 2019-09-17 16:31:10
BiG DiG CorE MinerS BDSSM 33 2019-01-22 19:16:13 2019-09-20 20:27:38
TIME SILVER TSETS 19 2019-05-13 16:46:11 2019-10-01 14:15:19
TIME GOLD MSETS 10 2019-01-31 03:45:39 2019-10-01 14:15:19
White.Walkers WHWAL 15 2019-01-24 21:01:04 2019-10-21 16:01:00
Navis Armis Pecuniis NAPTM 57 2018-01-29 01:59:00 2019-11-10 04:31:02
E MEI SHAN ZHUANG EMSZ 8 2019-10-22 16:01:03 2019-11-11 16:46:04
Dark-Golden-Man007 DGM00 5 2019-10-22 16:01:03 2019-11-11 16:46:04
EVE-CORP-PVE -DFG 62 2019-09-18 15:31:00 2019-11-21 15:15:28
Dark Expanse DRKXP 7 2019-02-07 16:46:07 2019-11-26 16:46:03
Blindgaenger EnterprisesDead BG-EP 0 2019-10-01 17:16:02 2019-11-26 17:46:01
A.Y.N.I.K AYNIK 14 2019-11-25 00:16:05 2019-12-30 06:16:03
The Branded Few TBFRN 7 2019-12-30 19:15:57 2020-01-09 19:15:20
Manes Ex Eden Novi HANTU 5 2018-08-08 02:46:17 2020-02-08 16:16:01
The Lost Sanctuary ISARA 9 2019-10-17 17:00:37 2020-02-08 16:16:01
Legendary Crabs Corp LEG-C 15 2019-05-18 03:31:12 2020-02-23 20:01:06
Out Land 404 OL404 9 2019-10-08 05:45:55 2020-02-23 20:01:06
Gimbal's Dun Deal GIDD 7 2019-07-24 03:01:07 2020-03-10 01:15:45
HAMMEROIDZ HRO1D 2 2020-01-05 03:31:07 2020-04-05 05:16:06
Sognare SOGNA 87 2020-02-29 21:16:06 2020-07-03 08:46:29
The Lord of the Rings LOTRR 5 2020-07-01 17:16:04 2020-08-09 07:45:46
Deep Bubbel DEBUI 10 2020-05-02 03:16:07 2020-10-10 18:36:24
Berserkers of Hel BOHOB 2 2020-06-07 20:16:08 2020-10-10 18:36:24
Angel Investment Group A-I-G 43 2018-06-07 10:06:14 2020-10-10 18:36:24
Spectra. .RGB. 7 2020-04-12 19:16:09 2020-10-10 18:36:24
Yokai solutions YK73 20 2019-02-07 21:01:07 2020-10-10 18:36:24
AKINA mountain family AE868 Average camping enjoyer 185 2020-08-16 01:31:00 2020-10-28 04:36:24
IFC Inc. MCIFC 8 2020-07-23 01:30:21 2020-11-06 17:56:11
Legendary Crabs Corp LEG-C 15 2020-04-13 22:01:06 2020-11-19 01:15:01
Circus Universe CUNS 18 2019-12-11 22:46:05 2021-03-10 00:15:01
Holy Russian Empire Holding CorpDead HREHC 0 2020-04-03 13:15:12 2021-03-15 08:01:01
FAILURESDead UFAIL 0 2021-05-31 23:46:06 2021-06-05 19:45:41
5th dimensional space 5THDS 9 2021-04-15 10:31:06 2021-06-11 00:46:01
People Deny Super PDSUP 18 2021-04-15 09:31:06 2021-06-11 00:46:01
Legendary Crabs Corp LEG-C 15 2020-11-20 19:31:03 2021-07-08 22:16:00
The PodiumDead PDUM 0 2021-06-03 21:46:06 2021-08-13 22:46:04
The hero must be one THMBO 57 2019-04-09 23:16:06 2021-08-14 04:46:03
Mayan calendar MYCLR Russian Legion of Honor 31 2021-04-08 15:16:00 2021-08-14 05:46:04
Beer Drinkers Society BROWA 18 2019-10-21 18:01:49 2021-08-14 09:00:59
HRE Nullsec Division HREND 25 2021-02-24 18:31:04 2021-08-14 19:16:03
Hero Kings HEROK 8 2021-02-24 16:30:28 2021-08-14 22:15:59
SpaceX Mining SXORE 19 2021-06-24 23:15:05 2021-08-17 18:30:59
Cleveland Clinic CCORG 10 2021-06-24 23:15:05 2021-08-17 18:30:59
5th dimensional space 5THDS 9 2021-06-24 23:15:05 2021-08-17 18:30:59
Federal Armed Force 01 ARM01 16 2021-04-15 09:31:06 2021-08-17 18:30:59
Polish Combat Organization OBPPS C0VEN 159 2019-10-09 21:01:04 2021-08-17 19:45:30
Knights Of The Fireflies FIKN 7 2019-12-30 03:16:08 2021-08-28 23:31:02
Ephemeral Co EMLC 121 2021-06-08 11:46:02 2021-08-28 23:31:02
PHP MySQL NGINX Webserver Firefox EVE Onlline Twitter @wollari Facebook
API J:19 Feb 19:57 K:19 Feb 20:43 C:19 Feb 20:51 A:19 Feb 20:52 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:19 Feb 20:49 S:19 Feb 20:32 W:19 Feb 20:15