Alliances & Corporations

Sov | All | DeadAlliance Ranking - Sorted by number of corps [3462]

Jump: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35
    Alliance Systems Members Corps
801. POGUE's gang POGUE's gang 0 33 5
802. Vae. Victis. Vae. Victis. 0 33 5
804. Iron Men of the Hood Iron Men of the Hood 0 32 5
805. Nimos and Associates. Nimos and Associates. 0 32 5
806. The Shogunate. The Shogunate. 0 32 5
807. E.C.H.O Holding E.C.H.O Holding 0 31 5
808. Commonwealth Star League Commonwealth Star League 0 30 5
809. System Wide Adaptive Roam Massacres System Wide Adaptive Roam Massacres 0 30 5
810. Black Swan. Black Swan. 0 29 5
811. Chardu Heavy Logistics Group Chardu Heavy Logistics Group 0 29 5
812. Enclave Alliance Enclave Alliance 0 28 5
813. CareBear Union CareBear Union 0 27 5
814. Nine Worlds Nine Worlds 0 27 5
815. Unlimited High Society Unlimited High Society 0 27 5
816. Deep Space Alliance Deep Space Alliance 0 26 5
817. The Banana Republic. The Banana Republic. 0 25 5
818. The Possum Lodge The Possum Lodge 0 25 5
819. Institute for Embarrassing Killmails Institute for Embarrassing Killmails 0 24 5
820. The Black Ledger The Black Ledger 0 24 5
821. Bled Roamers Bled Roamers 0 23 5
822. V E N D E T T A. V E N D E T T A. 0 23 5
823. Die Patrizier Die Patrizier 0 22 5
824. Hummus and Falafel Hummus and Falafel 0 22 5
825. Cohortes Triarii Cohortes Triarii 0 21 5
826. N0 Sympathy N0 Sympathy 0 21 5
827. Taylor Swift Empire Taylor Swift Empire 0 21 5
828. Arete Consortium Arete Consortium 0 20 5
829. FUBAR. FUBAR. 0 20 5
830. Immemorial Coalescence Immemorial Coalescence 0 20 5
831. Galactic Space Council Galactic Space Council 0 19 5
832. Organisation des Nations Libres Organisation des Nations Libres 0 19 5
833. Space.Ghosts Space.Ghosts 0 19 5
834. Atlas Coalition Atlas Coalition 0 18 5
835. Invisible. Invisible. 0 18 5
836. Clueless Space Nerds Podcast Clueless Space Nerds Podcast 0 15 5
837. Cybernetica Cybernetica 0 15 5
838. Peace and Light For All Peace and Light For All 0 15 5
839. Raiden. Raiden. 0 15 5
840. StarLink Deployments StarLink Deployments 0 14 5
841. Unknown and Beyond Unknown and Beyond 0 14 5
842. Space Violence Space Violence 0 13 5
843. The sky is vast but the scram on and cyno is up The sky is vast but the scram on and cyno is up 0 13 5
844. Binary Star Enterprises Binary Star Enterprises 0 12 5
845. Boring Business Industries Inc. Boring Business Industries Inc. 0 11 5
846. Hard Commit Hard Commit 0 9 5
847. Outer Reach Corporate Authority Outer Reach Corporate Authority 0 9 5
848. The Milluminati Conglomerate The Milluminati Conglomerate 0 9 5
849. The Volition Cult The Volition Cult 0 9 5
850. Velora Noctis Velora Noctis 0 9 5
851. JPN Inc Academy JPN Inc Academy 0 8 5
852. Grotesque Caravan Grotesque Caravan 0 7 5
853. Pike Confederacy Pike Confederacy 0 7 5
854. The Ell Morrins Alliance The Ell Morrins Alliance 0 7 5
855. Kuggar was here Kuggar was here Show on universe map7 25 4
856. Guardians of Tranquility Guardians of Tranquility Show on universe map4 370 4
857. PEPE SQUAD PEPE SQUAD 0 10835 4
858. Xagenic Freymvork Xagenic Freymvork 0 9091 4
859. Grimskulls Grimskulls 0 1587 4
860. Pretenders Pretenders 0 1099 4
861. Tactical-Retreat Tactical-Retreat 0 829 4
862. Nornir Empire Nornir Empire 0 620 4
863. Caladrius Nest Alliance Caladrius Nest Alliance 0 574 4
864. The Worst Alliance The Worst Alliance 0 507 4
865. Drop-U Drop-U 0 409 4
866. L I F E L I F E 0 323 4
867. Rabid Hedgehogs Rabid Hedgehogs 0 323 4
868. Plastic Crown Plastic Crown 0 319 4
870. EntroPraetorian Aegis EntroPraetorian Aegis 0 261 4
871. Surkh Ahdi Surkh Ahdi 0 261 4
872. Your Worst Nightmare. Your Worst Nightmare. 0 227 4
873. Wings of Independence. Wings of Independence. 0 224 4
874. Elementium Alliance Elementium Alliance 0 223 4
875. The Tuskers Co. The Tuskers Co. 0 208 4
877. RED.Union RED.Union 0 207 4
878. Empire Logistics Syndicate Empire Logistics Syndicate 0 203 4
879. We The Foundation We The Foundation 0 195 4
880. WAFFLES. WAFFLES. 0 184 4
881. WhiteBlackCynoAlliance WhiteBlackCynoAlliance 0 184 4
883. Orion Empire Orion Empire 0 179 4
884. O X I D E O X I D E 0 177 4
885. The.Great.Wall The.Great.Wall 0 175 4
886. Paper Numbers Paper Numbers 0 174 4
887. Mouth Trumpet Cavalry Mouth Trumpet Cavalry 0 170 4
888. Kings of the North Kings of the North 0 168 4
889. Czarna-Kompania. Czarna-Kompania. 0 166 4
890. X877. X877. 0 154 4
891. MAXIMUS Alliance MAXIMUS Alliance 0 153 4
892. Black Marker Black Marker 0 148 4
893. Immortals Empire Immortals Empire 0 146 4
894. Sanctuary Of Steel Sanctuary Of Steel 0 137 4
895. Space Madness. Space Madness. 0 136 4
896. Pen Is Out Pen Is Out 0 134 4
897. The Charter The Charter 0 132 4
898. DECOY Cartel DECOY Cartel 0 130 4
899. Star Flame Alliance Star Flame Alliance 0 128 4
900. Artificial Intellagence Artificial Intellagence 0 124 4
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