Corporation - Description - 2013-02-17 08:08:42 - Live Ticker



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-☠☠☠Defying the laws of the empire. Let anarchy reign.☠☠☠ +☠☠☠ Defying the laws of the empire. Let anarchy reign ☠☠☠
 Recruitment Open - Contact Spar Multendor for details. Public channel - Davy Jones' Locker Recruitment Open - Contact Spar Multendor for details. Public channel - Davy Jones' Locker
-If someone is strip mining a system you like to mine in contact Spar Multendor and let our expert relocation advisors handle the problem.+Order of Cut-Throats is a Pirate corp.
 +We engage in acts of piracy. Piracy is typically an act of robbing someone, mostly involved with violence. Ganking, extortion, ransoming and ninja salvaging are mostly what we do.
-Order of Cut-Throats is not a pirate corp. Its members are free to do what they want. Piracy might be encourged and even taught. There may even be a few guides on piracy avalible. If its members want to learn piracy then they are taught how to be a pirate. If they wish to learn how to mine or manufacture ships for its members then that can be taught as well. We operate in Metropolis. Mostly in the Hek area. Why be a pirate? Because easy for new players and fun for everyone :) Get your YARR on!!+We only have two rules: Respect other members and NBSI. The members of this corp can do as they please, as long as they abide by the two rules.
-Highsec Piracy  
-Guidance on the various forms of piracy +Even though this is a pirate corp, miners and manufactures are welcome. We will buy ore and ships from those members.
-Teamspeak 3 
-Occasional wardecs 
-0% Tax rate 
-Jump Clones available 
 Requirments: Requirments:
-Respect other members! +Respect other members
-2 million skill point minimum +Two million skill point minimum
 +Basic understanding of Eve
 Must be self-sufficient Must be self-sufficient
-Full API with NO EXPIRATION required Follow this link for full API - 

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Resources 2013-02-17 08:08:42 Corporation Description
Corporation Order of Cut-Throats Member 8
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API J:20 Feb 19:57 K:20 Feb 19:43 C:20 Feb 19:59 A:20 Feb 19:59 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:20 Feb 19:58 S:20 Feb 19:48 W:20 Feb 19:15