Corporation - Description - 2013-07-07 08:44:13 - Live Ticker



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 +--- Home is Belt. Family is Fleet. ---
 Andromeda Mining and Industry started in High Sec with the goal to mine and do some industry/trading together for great profits. A player corp is much more fun as we can offer you much more than you are getting from your current NPC corporation. Andromeda Mining and Industry started in High Sec with the goal to mine and do some industry/trading together for great profits. A player corp is much more fun as we can offer you much more than you are getting from your current NPC corporation.
 We have now moved our main base of operations to Null Sec (Providence Region) We have now moved our main base of operations to Null Sec (Providence Region)
 CVA Friendly CVA Friendly
 PvE and Industry Opportunites: PvE and Industry Opportunites:
 - Corp Tax set to 7% - Corp Tax set to 7%
 - null sec mining, ratting, and other PVE content in sov upgraded systems - null sec mining, ratting, and other PVE content in sov upgraded systems
 - Orca Fleet Booster - Orca Fleet Booster
 - Alliance funded militia program aka RDF ( Renzler Defense Force ) - Alliance funded militia program aka RDF ( Renzler Defense Force )
 - RDF defense program specifically catered to the needs of miners provided by Omnium Libertatem - RDF defense program specifically catered to the needs of miners provided by Omnium Libertatem
 - Looking for growth and the excitement of being part of something new - Looking for growth and the excitement of being part of something new

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Resources 2013-07-07 08:44:13 Corporation Description
Alliance Omnium Libertatem Member 0
Corporation Andromeda Mining and Industry Member 21
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