Corporation - Description - 2013-09-28 08:06:55 - Live Ticker



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-The United Brotherhood Marines is a corp that mainly focuses on teamwork and strategic play. our corp has ranks. to become an officer you must work for the rank or take the junior officer training course in United Brotherhood Basic Training. we whant active team players no dull-minded players. officer roles are, Lt. District control Capt. planetary control Maj. constilation control LtCol. regional Operations Colonel. Commanding Key operations. applications delayed due to wartime. +Welcome to the United Brotherhood Marines Corp i am FA, Ferreira (ferray or jason for short) our corp is looking for active players who are looking for a fight. as a private you will be sent straight into action on the frontline. once progressed to sergeant youll lead a squad to an epic battle on the district. or if your smart enough youll take a unit(s) and strategies to turn the the tides in our active war. so join today and begin your learning to become a better leader. 0.75 K/D minimum required

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Resources 2013-09-28 08:06:55 Corporation Description
Alliance Pax Concord Protectorate Zone Member 0
Corporation United Brotherhood Marines Member 10
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