Corporation - Description - 2014-01-13 08:51:28 - Live Ticker



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 Welcome To Eve Trade Administration. A Holdings and administrative corporation for the Bebop & Rocksteady Henchmen Academy.  Welcome To Eve Trade Administration. A Holdings and administrative corporation for the Bebop & Rocksteady Henchmen Academy.
 ETA was founded in 2009 on the principles of teamwork, cooperation, and optimism. Since then we have continued to hold our high standards and reputation. ETA was founded in 2009 on the principles of teamwork, cooperation, and optimism. Since then we have continued to hold our high standards and reputation.
 We Offer  We Offer
 +-Low tax rate
 -Regularly held operations for mining, exploration, missions, and security -Regularly held operations for mining, exploration, missions, and security
 -Alliance level ship replacement (exceptions apply) -Alliance level ship replacement (exceptions apply)
 -Full orca support on specific mining operations -Full orca support on specific mining operations
 -Logging utility for easy transactions -Logging utility for easy transactions
 -Alliance level teamspeak server -Alliance level teamspeak server
 E-T-A is currently open to recruiting. We are looking for miners, mission runners, Industry and production pilots, and security pilots. Our alliance holds a friendly team of highly skilled and knowledgeable pilots. were here to help you through the universe. E-T-A is currently open to recruiting. We are looking for miners, mission runners, Industry and production pilots, and security pilots. Our alliance holds a friendly team of highly skilled and knowledgeable pilots. were here to help you through the universe.
 What do we expect from you? What do we expect from you?
 * Your API key * Your API key
 * Self-motivation and enthusiasm * Self-motivation and enthusiasm
 * Satisfactory employment history * Satisfactory employment history
 * A microphone for fleet engagements * A microphone for fleet engagements
 We currently have no skillpoint requirements. Everyone is welcome to apply. Join our public chat channel Bebop Pub and talk to one of our representatives today! We currently have no skillpoint requirements. Everyone is welcome to apply. Join our public chat channel Bebop Pub and talk to one of our representatives today!
 send a mail to Akirra sotken for applications and information send a mail to Akirra sotken for applications and information
 To Join a channel click the small speech bubble on any chat window, Type in Bebop Pub and hit join. Make sure to speak up and say hello! To Join a channel click the small speech bubble on any chat window, Type in Bebop Pub and hit join. Make sure to speak up and say hello!
 Trial accounts will not be accepted Trial accounts will not be accepted

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Resources 2014-01-13 08:51:28 Corporation Description
Alliance Bebop and Rocksteady Henchmen Academy Member 0
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API J:27 Mar 19:50 K:27 Mar 19:55 C:27 Mar 20:01 A:27 Mar 20:01 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:27 Mar 19:58 S:27 Mar 19:51 W:27 Mar 19:15