Corporation - Description - 2014-06-15 09:44:21 - Live Ticker



Old New
 +We are a small newley founded corp of slightly mentally challenged people. :P
 +We dont have any major goals other than making ISKies and spending them having fun.
 +New or old, as long as your a social person, and dont get offended easily. we can provide a nice new happitat for your character.
 +EvE is a game, and not a lifestyle, you'll not find any seriusnes here. :)
 +We do a little of everything. basically what people seem to want to do.
 +DED sites.
 +We also have acess to a nullsec station as base of operations.
 +(And if your suggestions sounds like an awsome time killer. we will do that too)
 +We dont require anything of you, and we never will. Everything that happens in this corp is entirely voluntary.
 +(exept when CEO asks for ("favors") ofc. :P )

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Resources 2014-06-15 09:44:21 Corporation Description
Corporation BSE Protection Agency. Member 10
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