Corporation - Description - 2015-09-14 09:46:24 - Live Ticker



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 Zarnfell is a Nullsec based corp and a member of a SOV Owning Allaince. Zarnfell is a Nullsec based corp and a member of a SOV Owning Allaince.
 We are a very small corp within the alliance and intend to remain that way. We are a very small corp within the alliance and intend to remain that way.
 We are always recruiting but will accept few as it is our intention to ensure that new members are people who wil fit into our corp's goals and directions. We are always recruiting but will accept few as it is our intention to ensure that new members are people who wil fit into our corp's goals and directions.
 We parricipate in all types of nullsec operations, PVP, PVE, Industry, Moon MIning, PI, etc. We parricipate in all types of nullsec operations, PVP, PVE, Industry, Moon MIning, PI, etc.
 If you wish to talk to us about possibly joining, please speak with one of the following players either VIA in-game chat or in-game mail: If you wish to talk to us about possibly joining, please speak with one of the following players either VIA in-game chat or in-game mail:
 sundoc sundoc
 +Valentine King
 Ara Noctornus Ara Noctornus
 Neomatt Tox Neomatt Tox
 Thank You for your interest. Thank You for your interest.
 CEO - sundoc CEO - sundoc

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Resources 2015-09-14 09:46:24 Corporation Description
Alliance The Southern Syndicate Member 0
Corporation Zarnfell Member 56
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