Corporation - Description - 2016-03-04 08:38:03 - Live Ticker



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 We at Disaster Area strive to be at our best. We are a bunch of good friends working together towards a common goal. We welcome freelancers, miners, mission runners, pvpers, builders, explorers, wormhole runners.... In short, everyone except pirates.  We at Disaster Area strive to be at our best. We are a bunch of good friends working together towards a common goal. We welcome freelancers, miners, mission runners, pvpers, builders, explorers, wormhole runners.... In short, everyone except pirates.
 Joining requirement: Joining requirement:
 - You will need to be an adult, or at least adult behaved. - You will need to be an adult, or at least adult behaved.
 - Willing to help the corp and its members from time to time. - Willing to help the corp and its members from time to time.
 - You will treat your fellow space travelers with respect. - You will treat your fellow space travelers with respect.
 - Again, no piracy accepted. - Again, no piracy accepted.
 DISA Have: DISA Have:
 - High Sec POS for lab operations. - High Sec POS for lab operations.
-- Wormhole POS. (For now in class 3) 
 - Friendly community. - Friendly community.
 - We help acquiring tech 2 items and t1 ships when we can. - We help acquiring tech 2 items and t1 ships when we can.
-Before applying, please contact Alexalx or Hotblack for more information! +Before applying, please contact Hotblack DISA CEO for more information!
 Blank applications will not be accepted! Blank applications will not be accepted!
-** DISA Public Channel: DISA ** +** DISA Public Channel: DISA-Recruitment **
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Resources 2016-03-04 08:38:03 Corporation Description
Corporation Disaster Area Member 97
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