Corporation - Description - 2010-01-10 06:10:41 - Live Ticker



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 Honor through Integrity, Trust through Friendship, Success through Teamwork. Honor through Integrity, Trust through Friendship, Success through Teamwork.
 Beware of the dark places for there be monsters lurking in your midst.  Beware of the dark places for there be monsters lurking in your midst.
 We are a light logistics and industrial corp protecting our own whilst expanding our horizons. Empire missions(Lvl 1-5), Mining Ops (Empire Belts / Hidden) [Orca assisted], and production are up and running. We are a light logistics and industrial corp protecting our own whilst expanding our horizons. Empire missions(Lvl 1-5), Mining Ops (Empire Belts / Hidden) [Orca assisted], and production are up and running.
 Welcoming players of all backgrounds. We range from experienced to new, agreeing on common goals and achieving them through dedication and pride. All business channels open, and gun ports primed to assist. Welcoming players of all backgrounds. We range from experienced to new, agreeing on common goals and achieving them through dedication and pride. All business channels open, and gun ports primed to assist.
 Join our public channel - Epic-Pub Join our public channel - Epic-Pub
 +CVA Friendly

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Resources 2010-01-10 06:10:41 Corporation Description
Corporation Epic Odyssey Member 21
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